
Development of analytical platform for monitoring microplastics circulation in agricultural production

Aim of the project is development of unique detection platform for micro(nano)plastics in agricultural comodities. First phase will be focused on the development of microfluidic chip. In the second phase, broilers will be fed by micro- and nano- plastics. Bioaccumulation and excrection of micro(nano)plastics will be analyzed. The third phase will include application of micro(nano)plastics to soil. Crops growed in the contaminated soil will be analysed to the occurence of micro(nano)plastics. In the final phase, monitoring of micro(nano)plastics will be carried out on selected farms in CZE.


Czech National Quantum Communication Infrastructure

CZQCI will deploy quantum communication infrastructure (QCI) in the Czech Republic. The infrastructure composed of advanced experimental European QKD devices will comprise: (a) backbone connecting the cities of Prague, Brno, and Ostrava, serving as a first long distance quantum communication network; (b) metropolitan side branches connecting public authorities and testing advanced use cases and scenarios; (c) advanced testing and training infrastructure concentrated in a single laboratory providing a representative sample of diverse QKD technologies.


Development of innovative diffractive devices for advanced security of products, valuables and documents

Counterfeiting documents, valuables and products is a current security threat, especially in the context of a deteriorating international situation. The project responds to this threat by developing knowledge and technology, especially in areas: Advanced optical methods for security documents with photonic and polarizing elements created by electron-beam writing technology.


Quantum encrypted communication with increased physical layer security

The project focuses on the cybersecurity of the critical communication infrastructure, which will use quantum cryptography to transmit encryption keys in the coming years. The project aims to increase the security of the optical path of the quantum link by a complex system for detecting unobservable attacks on physical layer of otherwise very secure communication.


Centre of Advanced Electron and Photonic Optics

Centre builds on the previous CEPO, unites key academic and industrial players in CR who are engaged in research in electron, photon and quantum technologies.

The lecture of Dr. Mishkat Bhattacharya from Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA will take place on 25.5.2023, 10:00, in the lecture hall of the ISI of the CAS. continue

Investigation of electron scattering on two-dimensional crystalline materials at very low energies

Investigation of electron scattering on two-dimensional crystalline materials at very low energies focuses on detailed knowledge of electron scattering mechanisms and its practical consequences for very low energies are of fundamental importance not only for measurement techniques, but also for the development of new materials for next-generation electronic devices.


Semiclassical Nonlinear Electro-Optical Levitation

Electro-optic control of nanoobjects arrived at a new fundamental limit of current technology. Recent experiments in the nonlinear motion of nanoobjects levitating in optical traps and their ground-state cooling brought this field to the edge of classical physics phenomena understandable by stochastic trajectories. Modern electro-optical techniques, experimental development, and theory must be simultaneously developed to cross this fuzzy Classical- Quantum (CQ) border.


Self-entrapment of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria by gelation of their exopolysaccharides – towards the next-generation bioinoculants

Encapsulation of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) in hydrogel carriers represents state-of-the-art in production of agricultural bioinoculants that are used to restore soil fertility and to enhance the yield of crops. The hydrogel matrix enhances bioinoculant performance by protecting the cells against various environmental stress factors that accompany its application, however, the encapsulation step provided by addition of an external gelation component reduces the economic feasibility of the bioinoculant production.


Faraday’s Scalpel: electrochemical oxygen reduction for precise neural tissue ablation

We propose a novel concept of a “Faraday’s scalpel”: an approach to deoxygenate brain tissue using electrocatalytic oxygen reduction and direct electrical currents. The hypothesis is that local hypoxia induced by the Faraday Scalpel electrode will selectively destroy neurons while preserving other cells, opening new possibilities for precise electrosurgery for conditions like epilepsy.



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