
We cordially invite you to the machine-learning forum Deep Layers 2022. This event will be held at the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, in Brno, on 20. - 21. September 2022. continue

Probing electron scattering phenomena of two-dimensional crystalline materials at very low energies

Detailed knowledge of mechanisms of electron scattering and its practical consequences for very low energies are of prime importance for not only measurement techniques but also development of new materials for next-generation electronic devices. Determining inelastic mean free path (IMFP) of electrons in bulk materials is an ongoing topic in spectroscopy. Information on IMFP for very low electron energies, E ≤ 100 eV, is not satisfactory and it is often missing in case of 2D materials, which are promising in the semiconductor industry.


Macro and micro scale of high frequency epileptiform activity within human brain

Over the last 50 years, the success rate of surgical interventions in drug-resistant epilepsy has not significantly improved, remaining at around 50-60%. During presurgical evaluation, the identification of the “epileptogenic zone” (EZ) is crucial for its subsequent removal. In the past, high frequency oscillations (HFOs, 80-500 Hz) were shown to be a promising interictal (seizure independent) marker of the EZ.

Join us at the 16th Multinational Congress on Microscopy and become a part of the unique microscopy ecosystem in Brno. continue
video tutorial focused on a new AI plugin for SignalPlant software - DeepPlayer. continue
The 10th jubilee edition of the Autumn School of Electron Microscopy will be held from the 17th October 2022 to the 21st October 2022. continue

Compact frequency reference based on a micrometric cell

The project is oriented towards the development of microscopic thin-cells filled with absorption gases, the key part of compact and portable laser frequency standards for telecom wavelengths. The proposed technology of thin cells will allow to realize optical frequency references with unique spectral properties and it will open the possibility to study the narrowing of spectral transitions based on the Dicke effect, which allows to reach ultimate frequency stability of the laser standards while maintaing their compactness and robustness.


Biodistribution and real-time monitoring of free or apoferritin-encapsulated charged cholinesterase reactivators

Oxime cholinesterase reactivators are used for life endangering intoxications caused by organophosphate agents. However, clinically used (so called charged reactivators) or experimental uncharged reactivators have very limited penetration to central nervous system, where organophosphates mediate irreversible changes in nerve tissue. For this reason, the various delivery systems are investigated to be able to encapsulate the oxime reactivators, help their blood-brain barrier permeation and release in the central nervous system for reactivation of organophosphate inhibited cholinesterases.


Advanced algorithms for identification of electrophysiological features underlying encoding and recall of human memory in intracranial EEG

Deficits in memory and cognition are one of the main health problems of our aging society with very few therapeutic options. Direct brain stimulation in specific brain regions has recently emerged as a promising tool to enhance performance in memory tasks. In this project, we aim to identify neurophysiological events that are related to memory encoding and recall. To achieve this goal we will use data from cognitive tasks performed by epileptic patients and advanced signal processing algorithms.


Cutting-edge electron microscopy: A novel insight into advanced lightweight structural materials

The project aims to improve and intensify the scientific cooperation between two eminent electron microscopy research laboratories and connect the experts in the field of a scanning (ISI Brno, CAS) and a transmission electron microscopy (Toyama University) in order to obtain a novel insight into advanced lightweight materials structure.



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