
Biodistribution and real-time monitoring of free or apoferritin-encapsulated charged cholinesterase reactivators

Oxime cholinesterase reactivators are used for life endangering intoxications caused by organophosphate agents. However, clinically used (so called charged reactivators) or experimental uncharged reactivators have very limited penetration to central nervous system, where organophosphates mediate irreversible changes in nerve tissue. For this reason, the various delivery systems are investigated to be able to encapsulate the oxime reactivators, help their blood-brain barrier permeation and release in the central nervous system for reactivation of organophosphate inhibited cholinesterases.


Advanced algorithms for identification of electrophysiological features underlying encoding and recall of human memory in intracranial EEG

Deficits in memory and cognition are one of the main health problems of our aging society with very few therapeutic options. Direct brain stimulation in specific brain regions has recently emerged as a promising tool to enhance performance in memory tasks. In this project, we aim to identify neurophysiological events that are related to memory encoding and recall. To achieve this goal we will use data from cognitive tasks performed by epileptic patients and advanced signal processing algorithms.


Cutting-edge electron microscopy: A novel insight into advanced lightweight structural materials

The project aims to improve and intensify the scientific cooperation between two eminent electron microscopy research laboratories and connect the experts in the field of a scanning (ISI Brno, CAS) and a transmission electron microscopy (Toyama University) in order to obtain a novel insight into advanced lightweight materials structure.


Single particle tracking through a multimode fiber endoscope for exploring the extracellular space in mouse brain

Multimode fiber (MMF) endoscopes have emerged as tools for minimally invasive imaging with optical resolution at depth in tissue, due to their small, 100 um, diameter. They have found use in imaging in brain in animal models, and have potential for clinical use for in situ diagnosis in sensitive tissues. In this project we will develop a method for single particle tracking (SPT)through a MMF, overcoming limitations of the lack of a practical way of implementing wide-field imaging in MMFs.


Correlative Fluorescence Microscopy and Advanced Low-energy ESEM for Imaging of Immuno- Labelled Wet Biological Samples

The grant deals with basic research of electron-gas interactions for observation of highly sensitive wet immuno-labelled plant cells at low electron beam energies. This will enable the realization of new concept of correlative fluorescence microscopy and advanced low-energy environmental scanning electron microscopy (LEESEM) for studies of immunostained plasma membrane protein complexes in the tobacco cells.


Multi-Contrast Quantification of Perfusion Using Joint Magnetic Resonance Contrast-Enhanced and Arterial-Spin-Labeling Approaches

Magnetic resonance (MR) perfusion imaging is used for diagnostics and therapy monitoring mostly in oncology, neurology and cardiology, providing assessment of the perfusion status of a tissue on the capillary level. However, current MR perfusion imaging methods are still not ready for routine clinical use. They still remain mostly on the experimental level. The main methods for MR perfusion imaging are Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE) MRI, Dynamic Susceptibility-Contrast (DSC) MRI and Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL).


Laboratory of advanced steels microstructural classification by artificial intelligence meth

Steel is by far the world's most important, multi-functional, and most adaptable material. The excellent mechanical properties of advanced steels are determined by their microstructure. While the microstructural characterization is widely spread and well known, the microstructural classification is done manually by human experts, which results in uncertainties due to subjectivity. The lack of objective microstructural classification methods is a barrier for the further development of a new generation of advanced steels.

The Scientific Group of Cryogenics and Superconductivity, ISI CAS, participates in the European space program within the cooperation of the JUICE probe. continue


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