Complex Media NeuroPhotonics workshop 2022

The Complex Media NeuroPhotonics workshop will take place in Brno between 23rd  and  27th October 2022.  The wrap-up event for two soon-to-end EU projects GATE2u (ERDF) and LIFEGATE (ERC) will host about 60 international experts. Together we will explore the most pressing needs for in-vivo neuroscience, particularly in the domain of deep-brain structural and functional imaging as well as optogenetics, which may be solved by advanced photonics approaches including wave-front and pulse engineering, advanced implantable opto-electronic micro-systems and fibre photonics.

For more details, please contact Tomáš Čižmár (


This event is supported by EC (101016787), ERC (724530) and MEYS (CZ.02.1.01/ 0.0/ 0.0/ 15_003/0000476).

