
Electron microscopy

The project aims at introducing in electron microscopes novel techniques responding to needs of nanotechnologies, development of advanced materials, and application of knowledge acquired in biology and medicine. This concerns imaging of crystals including 2D ones, non-conductive surfaces, imaging the wave-optical contrasts, etc. Novel materials, technologies of their processing and novel components of the scanning electron microscopes will be developed, accompanied with adequate methodology.


Electron microscopy

The project aims at introducing in electron microscopes novel techniques responding to needs of nanotechnologies, development of advanced materials, and application of knowledge acquired in biology and medicine. This concerns imaging of crystals including 2D ones, non-conductive surfaces, imaging the wave-optical contrasts, etc. Novel materials, technologies of their processing and novel components of the scanning electron microscopes will be developed, accompanied with adequate methodology.


Electron microscopy

The project aims at introducing in electron microscopes novel techniques responding to needs of nanotechnologies, development of advanced materials, and application of knowledge acquired in biology and medicine. This concerns imaging of crystals including 2D ones, non-conductive surfaces, imaging the wave-optical contrasts, etc. Novel materials, technologies of their processing and novel components of the scanning electron microscopes will be developed, accompanied with adequate methodology.


Sources, Interaction with Matter, Detection and Analysis of Low Energy Electrons 2

SIMDALEE2 is a research and training network dedicated to the investigation of low energy electrons near solid surfaces. SIMDALEE2- Sources, Interaction with Matter, Detection and Analysis of Low Energy Electrons is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) financed by the European Commission (grant number 606988 under the FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN action of the EC).


Set of elements for photonics communication

The aim of the project is to implement a set of optical and electronic components, which allow operation of photonic services on fiber and freespace optical communication links with a high degree of compensation for transport delay of transmitted information. These elements will include photonic free-space optical link, photonic time delay compensation unit and unit for transport delays monitoring on photonic links.


Laser sensors for diagnostics geometric dimensions and surface defects in precision engineering

Nová generace super přesných digitálně řízených strojů v automobilovém průmyslu umožňuje opracovávat strojírenské výrobky s přesností až v řádu nanometrů. Pro zajištění nejvyššího stupně spolehlivosti však tato přesná výroba vyžaduje stoprocentní kontrolu dosažené hodnoty přesnosti. Cílem projektu je výzkum a vývoj unikátních optických metod, které dovolí v automatizovaných výrobních linkách měřit geometrické rozměry strojírenských výrobků s rozlišením blížícím se nanometrové hranici.


CLOck NETwork Services: Strategy and innovation for clock services over optical-fibre networks

A scientific and technological paradigm change is taking place, concerning the way that very high performance time and frequency reference signals are distributed, moving from radio signal broadcasting to signal transport over optical fibre networks. The latter technology demonstrates performance improvements by orders of magnitude, over distances up to continental scale. Research infrastructures are developing several related technologies, adapted to specific projects and applications.


Reduction of afterglow of scintillators for electron detectors in SEM

The goal of the project is the extensive study of the cathodoluminescence kinetics especially of the fast scintillation materials. Methods for research of existing and looking for new scintillation materials that investigate allowed 5d-4f transitions in Ce activated oxide-based solids, will be developed and used. The project is motivated by an effort to analyse a bad decay of current scintillators resulting in a low contrast and a bad spatial resolution of scanning electron microscope (SEM) images.


Optical sensor systems calibration and specialty sensors for nuclear power plants

Projekt je orientován na výzkum interní a externí laserové kalibrace systému pro sledování stavu dokončených inženýrských staveb. Pilotní systém s interním a externím kalibračním modulem, bude aplikován v systému pro měření tvarových změn kontejnmentů JE Temelín. Interní reference v systému umožní jeho nepřetržitou funkčnost i v případě, že systém bude odpojen od vnějších zdrojů. Externí pak umožní periodickou vzdálenou kalibraci, která bude mít přímou návaznost na základní normály.


Micro and Nano Optics for Controled Light Directing from LED Sources

The basic goals, outcomes of the project are: - to develop high quality flat optics which combines two layers of micro/nano surface relief optical active structures and/or by using the synthetic volume holography - to develop technology for the production of contact masque for synthetic volume holography - to develop technology of copy technique by using contact masque for synthetic volume holography - design and production of optical elements, which are able to manage and homogenize the light coming from LED sources using two layer micro/nano surface relief structures - design and producti



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