
On 23. January 2018 Prof. Dr. Markus A. Schmidt, head of the research group Fiber Sensors at the Institute for Photonic Technologies (IPHT) gave a public lecture entitled “Solid and nanowires in fibers - a base for new nonlinear phenomena, single nanoobject detection and plasmonics” in the lecture hall of Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, v. v. i.. The lecture is realized within the project European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. continue

International Travelling Summer School on Microwaves and Lightwaves

Letní škola bude tematicky zaměřena na vysokofrekvenční elektroniku, sdělovací techniku, optoelektroniku, optiku, laserové technologie a mikrovlnné a terahertzové technologie. Je určena pro postgraduální studenty, především absolventy elektrotechnických fakult technických vysokých škol, oborů mikrovlnná a vysokofrekvenční elektronika, ale také pro absolventy přírodovědeckých fakult, oborů fyzikální elektronika, nebo optika a fotonika.

On 30. november 2017 Dr. Miroslav Hons, member of scientific group on Institute of Science and Technology Austria. Dr.Miroslav Hons, gave a public lecture entitled “A Two-Tiered Mechanism Tunes Intranodal Migration of T Cells” in the lecture hall of Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, v. v. i.. The lecture was realized within the project European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. continue
On 18. October 2017 Dr. Sergey Turtaev , specialist in laser physics of Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology in Jena, will give a public lecture entitled “Holographic endoscopy and its application to biophotonics” in the lecture hall of Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, v. v. i.. The lecture is realized within the project European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. continue


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