
Electron microscopy

The project aims at introducing in electron microscopes novel techniques responding to needs of nanotechnologies, development of advanced materials, and application of knowledge acquired in biology and medicine. This concerns imaging of crystals including 2D ones, non-conductive surfaces, imaging the wave-optical contrasts, etc. Novel materials, technologies of their processing and novel components of the scanning electron microscopes will be developed, accompanied with adequate methodology.


High-tech detection systems for electron microscopy

Vysoce citlivé high-tech scintilační a scintilačně-ionizační detektory signálních elektronů pro rastrovací a environmentální rastrovací elektronové mikroskopy budou pomocí matematickofyzikálního modelování a Monte Carlo simulací zkoumány a při sdílení špičkových technologií a knowhow testovány a vyvíjeny. Výsledky projektu, vyznačující se špičkovou technologickou úrovní a vysokou přidanou hodnotou, staví na zkušenostech a účinné akademicko-firemní spolupráci a jsou určeny pro celosvětový trh.


Electron microscopy

The project aims at introducing in electron microscopes novel techniques responding to needs of nanotechnologies, development of advanced materials, and application of knowledge acquired in biology and medicine. This concerns imaging of crystals including 2D ones, non-conductive surfaces, imaging the wave-optical contrasts, etc. Novel materials, technologies of their processing and novel components of the scanning electron microscopes will be developed, accompanied with adequate methodology.


Quantitative imaging of beam sensitive samples using correlative signal detection in a cryo-SEM

Detailed analysis of electron beam sensitive samples by scanning electron microscope (SEM) is in many cases the compromise between the quality of detected signal and the beam damage of the sample. The use of high currents, which are necessary for several analyses, causes destruction of the sample structure. To estimate the limit of significant damage formation it is possible to use quantitative evaluation of electron-sample interactions.


Electron microscopy

The project aims at introducing in electron microscopes novel techniques responding to needs of nanotechnologies, development of advanced materials, and application of knowledge acquired in biology and medicine. This concerns imaging of crystals including 2D ones, non-conductive surfaces, imaging the wave-optical contrasts, etc. Novel materials, technologies of their processing and novel components of the scanning electron microscopes will be developed, accompanied with adequate methodology.


Electron microscopy

The project aims at introducing in electron microscopes novel techniques responding to needs of nanotechnologies, development of advanced materials, and application of knowledge acquired in biology and medicine. This concerns imaging of crystals including 2D ones, non-conductive surfaces, imaging the wave-optical contrasts, etc. Novel materials, technologies of their processing and novel components of the scanning electron microscopes will be developed, accompanied with adequate methodology.


Involvement of polyhydroxyalkanoates in stress response of bacteria

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are storing materials accumulated by a wide variety of bacterial strains. These polyesters serve as storage of carbon and energy; nevertheless, it is likely that they play also an important role in stress response against various adverse conditions. This project is focused on involvement of PHAs in stress response of bacteria against various stress factors. We intend to employ primarily Cupriavidus necator H16 as a model PHA producing bacteria.


Methods of laser spectroscopy with optical frequency references based on photonic crystal fibers filled by molecular iodine

The project offers methodology oriented research of novel techniques of laser spectroscopy and frequency stabilization of the lasers operating in the visible spectral range. The crucial element of the stabilization setup is the optical frequency reference based on hollow-core photonic crystal fiber filled with molecular iodine, which defines the frequency stability of the laser source. Critical step in these references preparation is up to these days not solved suppression of contamination of aborbing media.


Fibre optic sensors for safety measurements in nuclear power plants during severe accidents

The project is aimed at the research in the field of fibre optic sensors and systems for monitoring of environmental conditions inside the nuclear power plant containment. It will focus on optical methods for measurement of physical variables such as temperature, pressure, vibrations and shape deviations under extreme conditions. The primary concern is the reliable operability during severe accidents, i.e. when radiation level and temperature significantly increases within the containment.


Structure, transport and controlled release properties of hydrogels with integrated hydrophobic nanocontainers

Physical cross-linking of natural polyelectrolytes via interactions with oppositely charged surfactants represents the novel and cost-effective way of the preparation of hydrogels applicable in controlled-release systems. Integration of the surfactant micelles in the hydrogel matrix provides well-defined (preparation-specific) transport properties of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic solutes. The project will provide a complex study on the preparation of these hydrogels, on their structural and mechanical properties, solubilization capabilites and transport properties.



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