
Involvement of polyhydroxyalkanoates in stress response of bacteria

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are storing materials accumulated by a wide variety of bacterial strains. These polyesters serve as storage of carbon and energy; nevertheless, it is likely that they play also an important role in stress response against various adverse conditions. This project is focused on involvement of PHAs in stress response of bacteria against various stress factors. We intend to employ primarily Cupriavidus necator H16 as a model PHA producing bacteria.


Methods of laser spectroscopy with optical frequency references based on photonic crystal fibers filled by molecular iodine

The project offers methodology oriented research of novel techniques of laser spectroscopy and frequency stabilization of the lasers operating in the visible spectral range. The crucial element of the stabilization setup is the optical frequency reference based on hollow-core photonic crystal fiber filled with molecular iodine, which defines the frequency stability of the laser source. Critical step in these references preparation is up to these days not solved suppression of contamination of aborbing media.


Fibre optic sensors for safety measurements in nuclear power plants during severe accidents

The project is aimed at the research in the field of fibre optic sensors and systems for monitoring of environmental conditions inside the nuclear power plant containment. It will focus on optical methods for measurement of physical variables such as temperature, pressure, vibrations and shape deviations under extreme conditions. The primary concern is the reliable operability during severe accidents, i.e. when radiation level and temperature significantly increases within the containment.


Structure, transport and controlled release properties of hydrogels with integrated hydrophobic nanocontainers

Physical cross-linking of natural polyelectrolytes via interactions with oppositely charged surfactants represents the novel and cost-effective way of the preparation of hydrogels applicable in controlled-release systems. Integration of the surfactant micelles in the hydrogel matrix provides well-defined (preparation-specific) transport properties of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic solutes. The project will provide a complex study on the preparation of these hydrogels, on their structural and mechanical properties, solubilization capabilites and transport properties.


Directed evolution of dynamical elements in enzymes using microfluidic chips

Enzymes provide delicate synchronisation of numerous processes using dynamic elements like tunnels and gates. Tunnels and gates mediate exchange of ligands between the solvent and enzyme’s active site or between two buried active sites. Mobile gates allow access of the preferred substrates and co-factors, while preventing the entry of non-cognate ligands, inhibitors or solvent. Targeting these natural hotspots can provide impressive refinement of valuable enzyme properties and represents a promising strategy in protein engineering.


Magnetic resonance perfusion imaging using compressed sensing

Perfusion analysis is an important experimental technique used for diagnostics and evaluation of therapy response. Analysis based on magnetic resonance (MR) helps in identifying the state and dynamic behaviour of oncological and cardiovascular diseases and enables bettertreatment. MR perfusion analysis is done by means of estimating parameters describing tissue properties from the acquired signal. Accurate quantification of the parameters driving complex perfusion models requires low signal to noise ratio and high spatial and temporal resolution.


National Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging

Thanks to rapid technological development, innovative imaging technologies enable observing previously hidden life processes inside cells, tissues and entire organisms. Therefore, imaging has truly become one of the main drivers of research in biological and medical sciences. CzechBioImaging is built as a distributed research infrastructure of imaging core facilities in the Czech Republic. It will offer open access to a broad portfolio of imaging techniques and expertise for acquiring completely new research data.


Nanoliposomal systems for rapid diagnosis of thrombi by MRI

The research aim of the multidisciplinary project is to develop advanced nanoparticle systems for rapid imaging of thrombi in the cardiovascular system, especially in the brain (cerebral ictus), using in vivo imaging technique MRI. The efficacy of the system will be tested on preclinical rat and rabbit animal models. Contrast agents are based on nanoliposomes labelled with gadolinium complexes for rapid and sensitive imaging with the use of MRI.


Modulation of functional connectivity of the large scale cortical networks by STN DBS

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective long-term treatment for motor symptoms in advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). The most frequently used target is the subthalamic nucleus (STN). For some patients, the beneficial motor effects may be accompanied by cognitive impairment and other neuropsychiatric disturbances. PD is associated with impaired functioning of the basal ganglia, their interactions with cortical structures resulting in changed functional cortical connectivity.


Commercialization of the research results of the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, v. v. i.

The goal of the project is to boost the system of commercialization especially the process of Proof of Concept which will raise the number of commercialised research results of the ISI’s research teams in accordance with national initiative Prumysl 4.0. ISI’s research and development concentrates on the production of high-technology instrumentation and methodology. The reaching of commercializable level of scientific high-technology results is not only time-consuming, but mainly very expensive process.



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