
Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy Platform for Research and Development in Nano and Microtechnologies - AMISPEC

The project forms a RaD platform bringing together 3 companies and 2 research intsitutions in CR which will be aimed at 1) building complex scientific instruments and 2) finding methods and procedures for its application in fabrication and characterization of functional nanostructures and semiconductor materials/devices. The 2nd activity will result in technologies and analyses for high-tech applications both for professional and public community ((bio)sensors, security elements,etc.).


Aplikace pokročilých interferometrických metod pro měření povrchů v optické výrobě

Projekt bude zaměřen na implementaci pokročilých interferometrických metod pro potřeby měření v optické výrobě. Při jeho realizaci bude prováděn průmyslový výzkum, experimentální vývoj včetně testování interferometrických zařízení určených pro dva typy měření v procesu optické výroby. Důraz bude také kladen na výzkum a vývoj metod eliminujících vliv podmínek prostředí na interferometrické měření, který proběhne na stávajícím interferometrickém zařízení.


ALISI - Centre of advanced diagnostic methods and technologies

The development of activities focused on basic and applied scientific research on interdisciplinary basis. Main areas of research are: development of progressive diagnostic methods and technologies in the areas of electron microscopy, magnetic resonance, laser interferometry and spectroscopy, acquisition and processing of biosignals, cryogenics and special technologies using electron and laser beams.


Center of Excellence for Classical and Quantum Interactions in Nanoworld

The proposed Center of Excellence will experimentally and theoretically investigate the unexplored area between quantum and classical physics of mechanical oscillators, approaching it from both sides.The Center will establish two new experimental activities in the Czech Republic: quantum mechanics with trapped ions and nonlinear mechanics with optically trapped nanoobjects.


The developement of new types of solar absorbers

The main objective of the project is the development of new types of slab metal solar absorber, which suppresses the fundamental drawbacks of the existing solar absorbers. It is characterized by heat transfer by entire surface to the heat transfer medium of the absorber and its thermal efficiency will be little dependent on the angle of incidence of solar radiation. This requirement will be solved by appropriate geometric structuring of the surface of the solar absorber. Another objective is a simple manufacturing technology of solar absorber using progressive production methods.


Peculiarities of convective flows and heat transport in cryogenic helium

We propose dedicated experimental studies of peculiarities observed over years in flowing behaviour and heat transfer efficiency in thermally driven flows of all forms of cryogenic helium. As for classical thermally driven flows, we shall focus on puzzling behaviour of heat transfer efficiency in Rayleigh-Bénard convection (RBC) in the very high Rayleigh number regime (Ra > 1E12), in particular on claimed transitions to the ultimate or "Grenoble" RBC regimes, paying attention to experimental details and non Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects.


Ventricular dyssynchrony assessment based on time-spatial distribution of high frequency QRS signals

Ventricular dyssynchrony is a serious heart dysfunction, meaning ineffective timing of ventricle contractions. It usually results in significantly lowered ejection fraction and, furthermore, in increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Ventricular dyssynchrony can be effectively treated by cardiac resynchronization therapy - CRT. Unfortunately, up to 30-40 percent of CRT recipients do not benefit from the therapy. The main reason is unspecific guidelines with significant false positivity for selecting CRT patients.


Ulra high frequency ECG system for early diagnosis of heart diseases

Main goal of this project is design, realisation and implementation of the set of medical equipment for measurement, storage and analysis of ultra high-frequency electrocardiogram (UHF ECG) for non-invasive diagnosis of cardiac diseases. Ultra high-frequency ECG is a completely new methodology that does not have appropriate diagnostic equivalent in cardiology. The aim is to provide a powerful very simple non-invasive diagnostic tool for both preventive as well as highly specialized cardiology. The result of the project will be: 1) Measuring system for recording UHF ECG signal.


Advanced technology for non-invasive diagnostics of heart electro-mechanics - VDI monitor

Projekt zahrnuje průmyslový výzkum a experimentální vývoj nové lékařské technologie určené pro neinvazivní diagnostiku poruch srdeční elektro-mechaniky. Výstupem projektu je původní technické zařízení VDI monitor (Ventricular Dyssynchrony Imaging) využívající ultra-vysokofrekvenčního EKG záznamu. VDI je primárně určen pro diagnostiku srdečního selhání a závažných srdečních onemocnění. Zcela nová technologie VDI může představovat zásadní zlom v diagnostice onemocnění srdce.


Analytical methods for advanced identification of ventricular dyssynchrony

The basis of the project is to discover methods able to precisely identify properties of very weak electrocardiographic potentials. These potentials are measured with high dynamic acquisition system, its frequency range reaches up to 2 kHz and amplitude resolution is in nV (UHF-ECG). UHF potentials reflect spatial-temporal distribution of electrical myocardial depolarization and ventricular electrical dyssynchrony. Since the UHF potentials in ECG signal represent completely novel measure, there is a lack of methodological background.



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