Lecture “Correlations between the transmitted and reflected speckle patterns in scattering media”

Jacopo Bertolotti received a PhD and M.Sc. degree (both in Physics) at the University of Florence (Italy), in February 2008.
From January 2008 to April 2010 Jacopo Bertolotti had a postdoctoral position at the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS) on the project “Transport of light in disordered systems”.
From April 2010 to December 2010 was a postdoctoral fellow in the COPS group at the University of Twente (The Netherlands) on the project “Breakdown of universal transport: is there symmetry between absorption and gain?”.
From December 2010 to December 2012 he held a joint position as Researcher at the University of Florence and as Guest scientist at the University of Twente.
From March to August 2013 Dr. Bertolotti worked as a post-doc at the Institute Langevin and in September 2013 he started an appointment as a Lecturer at the University of Exeter, where he now leads a research group.

In particular his research is focused on studying of light properties (and more in general, wave) transport in disorder and "complex" media. From Anderson localization to random lasers using Lévy flights, superdiffusion and wavefront shaping. This research find application in biological imaging, where turbidity is a huge limiting factor, but also have an impact on more fundamental fields.

Dr. Jacopo Bertolotti visited our laboratories, he met scientists working on a similar topic and he gave lecture “Correlations between the transmitted and reflected speckle patterns in scattering media” that was visited by 20 scientists. After the lecture, a fruitfull discussion with the scientists took place.


Lecture Bertolotti  Lecture Bertolotti
