
Mgr. Martin Olbert


Tel.: +420 541 514 441


Využití fotonických služeb e-infrastruktury pro přenosy optických kmitočtů produktovaných vláknovými referencemi

The project is scoped to the research of new types of optical frequency references intended for frequency locking of lasers by spectroscopic methods. These references allows realization of transferable ultra stable optical frequency laser standards, which will serve as a tool for precise characterization of e infrastructure network between CESNET partners (including Institute of Scientific lnstruments, The Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno, CESNET Zikova in Prague, Palacky University in Olomouc, Institute of Photonics and Electronics, The Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague and others).

The precise and reliable manipulation of single or multiple nanostructures has important consequences for contemporary nanoscience. continue

Quantum-Classical Ultimate Turbulence Analogies in Heat Transfer

The project synergicaly connects theoretical and experimental research into ultimate regimes of transport of heat by turbulent flows of classical and quantum fluids at cryogenic temperatures.

Leviational photonics team introduced a new approach for description of random processes in unstable systems. The research was published in Physical Review Letters. continue
Our group leader Dr. Ota Samek had a talk on a workshop "Correlative microscopy of beam sensitive samples" organised by co-operating group of Dr. Vladislav Krzyžánek (Microscopy for Biomedicine- ISI). The title of his talk was "Combined Raman spectroscopy and SEM for characterization of microorganisms". continue


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