
Use of laser and hybrid technologies in energy plants

The main objective of the project “Utilization of laser and hybrid technologies in power facilities” is to develop and apply laser and hybrid technologies for power facilities within the collaborative research and development project. The outputs of the project are three laser and hybrid technologies (verified technologies) those will be used in production processes of small turbines by Siemens company. Particular deliverables of the project are also technical reports and WPQR/WPS according to prescribed standards.


Nonlinear diffraction fiber elements for sensor systems

The research and the development in the field of fiber optic diffractive structures with non-linear change of period and their use in realization of new optical measurement system for measurement of fast changes with frequency up to tens of kHz is the main objective of the project. The design of this system can be divided into three partial goals/parts. The design of diffractive structures with non-linear change of period as nonlinear fiber Bragg gratings (NFBG) and the design of the phase mask structures and their production technology are the first goal.

On 19.December.2019 professor Peter Jonas from Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Head of Research Group dealing with Synaptic Communication in Hippocampal Microcircuits gave a public lecture entitled “Nanophysiology of central synapses”in the lecture hall of Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS. The lecture is realized within the project European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. continue
On 22.11.2019 Miles Padgett, professor of Optics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Glasgow gave a public lecture entitled "Quantum Imaging " in the lecture hall of Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, v. v. i.. The lecture was realized within the project European Structural and Investment Funds Operational Programme Research, Development and Education. continue


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