
Ing. Hana Štolzová

E-mail: stolz@isibrno.cz

Tel.: +420 541 514 134

Vědci z ÚPT AV ČR a VUTv Brně  publikovali objev, který využívá polymerní grafit jako nový materiál pro výrobu katod na bázi studené emise elektronů. pokračování

INSPIRE-MED INtegrovaná magnetická rezonanční spektroskopie a multimodální zobrazování pro výzkum a vzdělávání v medicíně

INSPiRE-MED will provide research and training to 15 early career researchers in the field of medical imaging, specifically Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) and Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI), combined with MR Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). INSPiRE-MED Fellows will acquire skills to develop careers contributing to innovative technological advances in medical imaging in a multi-disciplinary environment encompassing physics, mathematical and computer sciences leading to applications in medicine and biological sciences.


Coulomb Crystals for Clocks

Optical clocks and frequency standards are the most precise measurement devices available today. However, further improvements are needed to extend applications in communication, in navigation and in fundamental metrology. This project will investigate laser-cooled trapped ions as a reference for a next generation of optical clocks of highest accuracy. While most precise optical clocks with trapped ions are based on single ions, this project will investigate large ensembles of ions in a Coulomb-coupled solid-like state, known as Coulomb crystals (CCs).


Large Volume Metrology Applications

This project will deliver a range of improved, accurate, traceable measuring systems for operation as Large Volume Metrology (LVM) tools and integration of these tools into a factory coordinate metrology network. The network and tools will be suitable for operation in typical factory environments or for permanent inclusion inside manufacturing systems such as large machine tools, industrial robots, etc., in accordance with ISO Geometrical Product Specifications standards (GPS).



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