Quantum encrypted communication with increased physical layer security
Quantum encrypted communication with increased physical layer security
The project focuses on the cybersecurity of the critical communication infrastructure, which will use quantum cryptography to transmit encryption keys in the coming years. The project aims to increase the security of the optical path of the quantum link by a complex system for detecting unobservable attacks on physical layer of otherwise very secure communication. The method for continuous monitoring of telecommunication fibre path integrity will be implemented and research on experimental quantum repeaters will be developed to extend quantum communication over longer distances than currently available systems allow. The research results are intended for selected user organization but disseminated in scientific publications and presented to the professional public at workshops
Šmídek Michal - ČD - Telematika a.s.
Slodička Lukáš - Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Vojtěch Josef - CESNET, zájmové sdružení právnických osob