EDSpot - electron spot simulations

EDSpot is a new software for calculation of wave functions, point spread functions (PSFs), and current density profiles in the vicinity of the image in the electron-optical instruments. The wave function is calculated from the diffraction integral, which includes the effect of aberrations. Time and space incoherence is then included during PSF or current density calculations. The program covers separately axially symmetrical systems by the 1D diffraction integral, and general, axially non-symmetrical systems by the 2D diffraction integral, where the utilization of the FFT algorithm increases the calculation speed. The beam current density determines the resolution of the microscope, and it is an input parameter for image simulations in scanning electron microscopy. The wave function is, in turn, necessary in image simulations in scanning transmission electron microscopy. The software enables calculation of general 2D amplitude and phase apertures (circular, annular, and vortex apertures, phase-plates, ...)


3D current beam density profile in multi-beam system



Longitudial current density beam profile for the circular and annular ilumunation (spacial coherent and incoherent regime is shown)



Current beam density profile in the image plane behind the aplitude vortex aperture.