New publication in Optica

 A paper SHG imaging through a multimode fiber by the Complex Photonics group was published in Optica. By controlling the polarization of the light transported through a multimode fiber, polarization-resolved SHG imaging was implemented. This allows to image and differentiate tissue components such as myosin and collagen, deep inside tissue. This method could potentially be used for in situ diagnosis of tumors and fibrotic conditions in sensitive tissue with minimal damage. The research was performed by the following members of the Gate2mu team: Angel Cifuentes, Tomáš Pikálek, Petra Ondráčková, Tomáš Čižmár and Johanna Trägårdh.

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Muscle tissue from a mouse tail imaged through a multimode fiber. The signal is from the second harmonic generation in the myosin, and the striations of the muscle tissue are clearly visible. The overlayed white lines represent the local orientation of the myofibrils. The orientation can be calculated from the data because we image at multiple polarizations of the excitation.



Mouse heart imaged through a multimode fiber. The signal is from the second harmonic generation in the collagen in the pericardium and the myosin from the heart muscle tissue inside the atrial wall. The histograms show the calculated out-of-plane orientation of the fibrils. The orientation can be calculated from the data because we image at multiple polarizations of the excitation. The scale bar is 5 micrometers.


A press release was issued about the published article on August 23, 2021