Ecological epoxy casting systems for electrical engineering applications


Ecological epoxy casting systems for electrical engineering applications

Strategy of the further development of SYNPO, a.s. is to gain a competitive advantage in the market in the area of sophisticated development of casting systems by cooperation with the academic partner and to expand own production of prefilled casting systems for electrotechnical industry. Four new prefilled casting systems will be developed (3 for indoor, 1 for outdoor use) with hardeners complying with authorization REACH, one prospectively based on ecological resin EnviPOXY. R&D will focus on optimization of mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of systems and of procedure of casting. Production technical documentation, application and safety data sheet will be created for each system. Systems will be continuously prepared to production, the last by the end of the project.

ISI investigator: 
doc. Ing. et Ing. Vilém Neděla, Ph.D., DSc.
Švíglerová Pavla - SYNPO, akciová společnost

Neděla Vilém - Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS

Identif. Code: 
Date from: 
1. 3. 2019
Date to: 
28. 2. 2022