Lecture : "Solid and nanowires in fibers - a base for new nonlinear phenomena, single nanoobject detection and plasmonics"
On 22.1. – 24.1.2018 Prof. Markus A. Schmidt visited our institute.
Prof. Markus A. Schmidt owns a full professorship for Fiber Optics at the Friedrich‐Schiller University Jena and is head of the research group Fiber Sensors at the Institute for Photonic Technologies (IPHT). His main research topic is combining fibers and nanophotonics with applications in areas such as biophotonics, plasmonics or nonlinear optics. From 2006 to 2012 he was head of the group nanowire in the division of Philip Russell at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. He spent a twelve months at the Centre of Plasmonics and
Prof. Markus A. Schmidt visited our laboratories, he met scientists working on a similar topic and he gave lecture “Solid and nanowires in fibers - a base for new nonlinear phenomena, single nanoobject detection and plasmonics” that was visited by 40 scientists. After the lecture, a fruitfull discussion with the scientists took place.