Methods of laser spectroscopy with optical frequency references based on photonic crystal fibers filled by molecular iodine
Methods of laser spectroscopy with optical frequency references based on photonic crystal fibers filled by molecular iodine
The project offers methodology oriented research of novel techniques of laser spectroscopy and frequency stabilization of the lasers operating in the visible spectral range. The crucial element of the stabilization setup is the optical frequency reference based on hollow-core photonic crystal fiber filled with molecular iodine, which defines the frequency stability of the laser source. Critical step in these references preparation is up to these days not solved suppression of contamination of aborbing media. This contamination causes unwanted frequency shifts and laser stability degradation. A key aim of this project is to investigate novel non contaminating methods for the fiber reference preparation and filling and also research of spectroscopic methods for precise characterization/control of achievable reference spectral parameters with comparison to conventional absorption cells systems. The project will bring necessary knowledge for realization of compact and robust laser standards for fundamental and also practical metrology of length performed in the visible spectral range.