Přednáška: Polymer photonics made by laser lithography
Srdečně vás zveme na přednášku, která se uskuteční v sále ÚPT dne 27.3. 2025 od 10:00 hodin. Téma Vám představí prof. Dušan Pudiš z Žilinské univerzity, Elektrotechnické fakulty.
Setkání proběhne v rámci projektu OP JAK – Špičkový výzkum
Modern laser treatments using three-dimensional scanning (3D) technologies bring novel solutions and great variability of free-form structures and devices. Standard planar techniques have limits which can be overcome in polymers. However, the resolution of polymer technologies cannot compete with silicon photonics, the free-form arrangement in 3D and hybridization on a chip and integration direct on optical fibers brings tremendous opportunities. We demonstrate capabilities of three laser techniques grayscale lithography, direct laser writing by two-photon polymerization and interference lithography. We present broad scale of structures and devices arranged in 3D and prepared on a chip and on optical fiber as optical splitters, structures for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, hierarchical structures, optical sensors and special probes for scanning probe microscopy. The purpose of this presentation is to present technological and material advances, and potential future opportunities in the field of 3D optics and photonics using novel laser treatments.