Gender Equality Plan

Gender Equality Plan

The management of Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS formulates the principles of equal opportunities, which apply to all positions in the institute; they concern in particular the application of gender equality, the recruitment process, nominations to professional bodies, the evaluation and remuneration system.

Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS fully respects the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in all areas of its activity, including freedom of research, ethical principles, professional responsibility and access, accountability, good research practice, dissemination of information, public involvement, non-discrimination, gender balance, co-authorship, working conditions, job stability, career development, mobility, evaluation and recruitment.

Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS is committed to gender equality in our academic community and in the wider academic environment, therefore it supports the development of measures that strengthen gender equality and social justice in our community. This agenda is important for us both internally and in terms of the wider societal impact.
We have developed measures to address gender equality: training opportunities, gender awareness and policy measures to ensure equal opportunities in recruitment and career advancement.

Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS undertakes to allocate resources to the implementation of the roadmap for equality between women and men; for data collection and monitoring, analysis of gender data on employees and salaries, evaluates the data and publishes the results in the form of GEP annual reports.

The GEP consists of a set of measures in five priority areas
1. Work-life balance and organizational culture
The Institute is aware of the fact that the prevailing organizational culture and work-life balance are key elements in creating an environment where men and women can enjoy their activities and have equal opportunities in building a fulfilling career.
2. Gender balance in leadership and decision making
The Institute strives to be a gender-balanced institution, where its members have equal access and balanced participation in leadership and other decision-making roles.
3. Gender equality in recruitment and career progression
We consider it important that our educational environment does not contain gender prejudices.
4. Incorporating the gender dimension into research content
We strive to be a socially responsible institution that successfully integrates and disseminates gender-conscious research.
5. Measures against gender – based violence, including sexual harassment.
At all levels of management at the Institute, responsible people cultivate a community that functions essentially on the basis of mutual respect of all its members. As a result, gender-based violence is not tolerated.

The above principles are enshrined in various internal regulations, in particular the Collective Agreement and the Career Directive, which regulates the career development of employees.