Vladislav Krzyzanek, Ph.D.
1999: Ph.D., Technical University of Brno, Czech Republic
1995: university degree, Technical University of Brno, Czech Republic
Professional experience:
since 10/2011: research scientist,
Institute of Scientific Instruments,
The Czech Academy of Sciences,
Brno, Czech Republic (since 01/2012 group leader of Microscopy for Biomedicine)
02/2001-09/2011: research scientist,
Electron Microscopy and Analytics group,
Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics,
University of M nster,
03/2000-02/2001: guest scientist (NATO Science Programme Fellowship; Advanced),
Electron Microscopy and Analytics group,
Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics,
University of M nster,
09/1999-03/2000: research scientist,
Institute of Physical Engineering,
Technical University of Brno,
Czech Republic
11/1998-07/1999: guest scientist,
Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
09/1995-12/1998: scholarship,
Institute of Physical Engineering,
Technical University of Brno,
Czech Republic
Professional affiliation:
Primary research:
- quantitative imaging by STEM (mass-thickness measurement by electron scattering, 4D-STEM)
- low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM)
- correlation of signals in electron microscopy
- links to academic profiles with more details:
Selected publications:
- Jilek Z. et al:
Simulation Study of Low-Dose 4D-STEM Phase Contrast Techniques at the Nanoscale in SEM.
Nanomaterials 15 (2025), 70.

- Skoupy R. et al:
Robust Local Thickness Estimation of Sub-Micrometer Specimen by 4D-STEM.
Small Methods 7 (2023), 2300258.

- Mrazova K. et al:
Low Voltage Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Powerful Tool for Ultrastructural Studying of Cyanobacterial Cells.
Microorganisms 11 (2023), 888.

- Szabova J. et al:
Liposomal form of erlotinib for local inhalation administration and efficiency of its transport to the lungs.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 634 (2023), 122695.

- Vancova M. et al:
Cathodoluminescence imaging of cellular structures labeled with luminescent iridium or rhenium complexes at cryogenic temperatures.
Scientific Reports 12 (2022), 13432.

- Novackova I. et al:
Combination of Hypotonic Lysis and Application of Detergent for Isolation of Polyhydroxyalkanoates from Extremophiles.
Polymers 14 (2022), 1761.

- Novackova I. et al:
The role of polyhydroxyalkanoates in adaptation of Cupriavidus necator to osmotic pressure and high concentration of copper ions.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 206 (2022), 977-989.

- Hanzelka P. et al:
Low conductive thermal insulation pad with high mechanical stiffness.
International Journal of Refrigeration 132 (2021), 92-99.

- Slouf M. et al:
High Resolution Powder Electron Diffraction in Scanning Electron Microscopy.
Materials 14 (2021), 7550.

- Kourilova X. et al:
Biotechnological Conversion of Grape Pomace to Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by Moderately Thermophilic Bacterium Tepidimonas taiwanensis.
Bioengineering 8 (2021), 141.

- Kourilova X. et al:
The First Insight into Polyhydroxyalkanoates Accumulation in Multi-Extremophilic Rubrobacter xylanophilus and Rubrobacter spartanus.
Microorganisms 9 (2021), 909.

- Slouf M. et al:
Powder Nano-Beam Diffraction in Scanning Electron Microscope: Fast and Simple Method for Analysis of Nanoparticle Crystal Structure.
Nanomaterials 11 (2021), 962.

- Kizovsky M. et al:
Raman Microspectroscopic Analysis of Selenium Bioaccumulation by Green Alga Chlorella vulgaris.
Biosensors 11 (2021), 115.

- Trudicova M. et al:
Multiscale experimental evaluation of agarose-based semi-interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels as materials with tunable rheological and transport performance.
Polymers 12 (2020), 2561.

- Monikh F.A. et al:
Engineered Nanoselenium Supplemented Fish Diet: Toxicity Comparison with Ionic Selenium and Stability against Particle Dissolution, Aggregation and Release.
Environmental Science: Nano 7 (2020), 2325-2336.

- Skoupy R. et al:
Nanoscale estimation of coating thickness on substrates via standardless BSE detector calibration.
Nanomaterials 10 (2020), 332.

- Pernicova I. et al:
Introducing the Newly Isolated Bacterium Aneurinibacillus sp. H1 as an Auspicious Thermophilic Producer of Various Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) Copolymers–1. Isolation and Characterization of the Bacterium.
Polymers 12 (2020), 1235.

- Sedlacek P. et al:
Introducing the Newly Isolated Bacterium Aneurinibacillus sp. H1 as an Auspicious Thermophilic Producer of Various Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) Copolymers–2. Material Study on the Produced Copolymers.
Polymers 12 (2020), 1298.

- Skoupy R. et al:
Quantitative STEM imaging of electron beam induced mass loss of epoxy resin sections.
Ultramicroscopy 202 (2019), 44-50.

- Knotigova P.T. et al:
Application of Advanced Microscopic Methods to Study the Interaction of Carboxylated Fluorescent Nanodiamonds with Membrane Structures in THP-1 Cells: Activation of Inflammasome NLRP3 as the Result of Lysosome Destabilization.
Molecular Pharmaceutics 16 (2019), 3441-3451.

- Sedlacek P. et al:
PHA granules help bacterial cells to preserve cell integrity when exposed to sudden osmotic imbalances.
New Biotechnology 49 (2019), 129-136.

- Sedlacek P. et al:
What keeps polyhydroxyalkanoates in bacterial cells amorphous? A derivation from stress exposure experiments.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 103 (2019), 1905-1917.

- Hrubanova K. et al:
Monitoring Candida parapsilosis and Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilms by a Combination of Scanning Electron Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy.
Sensors 18 (2018), 4089.

- Hrubanova K. et al:
The innovation of cryo-SEM freeze-fracturing methodology demonstrated on high pressure frozen biofilm.
Micron 110 (2018), 28-35.

- Kucera D. et al:
Characterization of the promising poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) producing halophilic bacterium Halomonas halophila.
Bioresource Technology 256 (2018), 552-556.

- Slouf M. et al:
Relations between morphology and micromechanical properties of alpha, beta and gamma phases of iPP.
Polymer Testing 67 (2018), 522-532.

- Obruca S. et al:
The presence of PHB granules in cytoplasm protects non-halophilic bacterial cells against the harmful impact of hypertonic environments.
New Biotechnology 39 (2017), 68-80.

- Resch Y. et al:
Molecular, structural and immunological characterization of Der p 18, a chitinase-like house dust mite allergen.
PLoS ONE 11 (2016), e0160641.

- Obruca S. et al:
Polyhydroxyalkanoates in bacterial cells – more than just storage materials.
Materials Science Forum 851 (2016), e0157778.

- Obruca S. et al:
How accumulation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) helps bacterial cells to survive freezing.
PLoS ONE 11 (2016), e0157778.

- Mravec F. et al:
Accumulation of PHA granules in Cupriavidus necator as seen by time-resolved confocal fluorescence microscopy.
FEMS Microbiology Letters 363 (2016), fnw094.

- Tacke S. et al:
A Versatile High-Vacuum Cryo-transfer System for Cryo-microscopy and Analytics.
Biophysical Journal 110 (2016), 758-765.

- Voberkova S. et al:
Biofilm formation and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), production by Bacillus subtilis depending on nutritional conditions in the presence of polyester film.
Folia Microbiologica 61 (2016), 91-100.

- Bok J. et al:
Measurements of current density distribution in shaped e-beam writers.
Microelectronic Engineering 149 (2016), 117-124.

- Burdikova Z. et al:
Application of advanced light microscopic techniques to gain deeper insights into cheese matrix physico-chemistry.
Dairy Science and Technology 95 (2015), 687-700.

- Samek O. et al:
Identification of individual biofilm-forming bacterial cells using Raman tweezers.
Journal of Biomedical Optics 20 (2015), 051038.

- Banerjee S. et al:
Der p 11 is a Major Allergen for House Dust Mite-Allergic Patients Suffering from Atopic Dermatitis.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 135 (2015), 102-109.

- Bok J. et al:
Effect of oxidation annealing on optical properties of YAG:Ce single crystals.
Optical Materials 46 (2015), 591-595.

- Samek O. et al:
Candida parapsilosis biofilm identification by raman spectroscopy.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15 (2014), 23924-23935.

- Hajduova J. et al:
Structure of polymeric nanoparticles in surfactant-stabilized aqueous dispersions of high-molar-mass hydrophobic graft copolymers.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 456 (2014), 10-17.

- Bernatova S. et al:
Following the mechanisms of bacteriostatic versus bactericidal action using raman spectroscopy.
Molecules 18 (2013), 13188-13199.

- Groscurth S. et al:
Artificial Forisomes Are Ideal Models of Forisome Assembly and Activity That Allow the Development of Technical Devices.
Biomacromolecules 13 (2012), 3076-3086.

- Hillebrand A. et al:
Down-Regulation of Small Rubber Particle Protein Expression Affects Integrity of Rubber Particles and Rubber Content in Taraxacum brevicorniculatum.
PLoS ONE 7 (2012) e41874.

- Porizka P. et al:
Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to the analysis of algal biomass for industrial biotechnology.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 74-75 (2012), 169-176.

- Ernst A.M. et al:
Sieve element occlusion (SEO) genes encode structural phloem proteins involved in wound sealing of the phloem.
PNAS 109 (2012), E1980–E1989.

- Eissenberg J.C. et al:
Drosophila GGA Model: An Ultimate Gateway to GGA Analysis.
Traffic 12 (2011), 1821-1838.

- Krzyzanek V. et al:
Polyelectrolyte multilayer capsules: Nanostructure and visualisation of nanopores in the wall.
Soft Matter 7 (2011), 7034-7041.

- Kouyianou K. et al:
The Chlorosome of Chlorobaculum tepidum: size, mass and protein composition revealed by electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering and mass spectrometry-driven proteomics.
PROTEOMICS 11 (2011), 2867-2880.

- Pfaff M. et al:
Low-energy electron scattering in carbon-based materials analyzed by scanning transmission electron microscopy and its application to sample thickness determination.
Journal of Microscopy 243 (2011), 31-39.

- Edlmayr J. et al:
Antibodies induced with recombinant VP1 from Human Rhinovirus exhibit cross-neutralization.
European Respiratory Journal 37 (2011), 44-52.

- Krzyzanek V. et al:
MASDET—A fast and user-friendly multiplatform software for mass determination by dark-field electron microscopy.
Journal of Structural Biology 165 (2009), 78-87.

- Grote M. et al:
Bundles of hexagonally arranged tubules in timothy grass pollen: Detection of a novel pollen component using anhydrous fixation and image analysis techniques in transmission electron microscopy.
Journal of Microscopy 228 (2007), 34-39.

- Krzyzanek V. & Reichelt R.:
High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope for Mass Determination: Progress in the Development of a New Nanoanalytical Tool.
Microscopy & Microanalysis 13 (Suppl. 3), (2007), p. 80-81.

- Smarda J. et al:
S-layers on cell walls of cyanobacteria.
Micron 33 (2002), 257-277.

- Krzyzanek V.:
Analysis of continuously distorted quasi-periodic images: Two-dimensional reconstruction of S layers of cyanobacteria.
Optical Engineering 39 (2000), 872-878.

- Smajs D. et al:
A comparative study of fine structure of cyanobacterial gas vesicles.
Algological Studies 94 (1999), 305-316.

- Smajs D. et al:
New findings of S layers among Cyanobacteria.
Algological Studies 94 (1999), 317-332.

- Rachel R. et al:
II. Fine structure of S-layers.
FEMS Microbiology Reviews 20 (1997), 13-23.

- MASDET (software for mass determination by dark-field
electron microscopy)
- MONCA (MATLAB package for Monte Carlo simulation of electron scattering
in thin specimens)