Our laboratory utilizes an Electron Beam Welding Machine (EBWM) (chamber diameter 600 mm, 50kV/1500W gun) and a desk-top EBWM (chamber diameter 230 mm, 50kV/500W or 50kV/1500W guns). We can do standard weld joints for vacuum and high vacuum systems and parts, and we can join materials with considerably different metallurgical properties, e.g. stainless steel-Al, stainless steel-Cu, Ti-Al. Our research covers next fields:

Electron Beam Welding of Dissimilar Metals

Redistribution of Carbon and Nitrogen in Weld Joints

Construction of an Electron Beam Welding Machine

High Voltage Power Supply

Television System for an Electron Beam Welding Machine

Key original articles:

[Contact Us]

[Pulse Laser Beam Welding] [Vacuum Brazing] [Electrical Feedthroughs] [Sputtered Thin Films] [Interaction of Electron Beam with CCD sensor]

[Special Technologies Laboratory] [Institute of Scientific Instruments] [Academy of Sciences of the CR]

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Last Modification: March 25, 2004
Access # since April 2, 1998: