Presentation of Contributions:
All presentations at the Workshop will be oral.
Duration of a presentation is limited to 25 minutes, plus about
5 minutes for a discussion.
The overhead (OHP) projectors (a recommended presentation method),
data projectors (use your own PC-Notebook, back-up OHP-transparencies strongly recommended) and slide projectors will be
available. A video (VHS-PAL) only on an explicit advanced request to the Secretariat.
Instructions for the Preparation of Manuscripts:
The manuscript should be submitted in the
camera-ready form,
in duplicate.
The length of a manuscript is limited to 4 printed pages.
The manuscript should be written in good English. In order to achieve the unified style of all contributions in the Workshop Proceedings, the authors are asked to follow the instructions below:
The text should be typewritten in a single column,
with 2.5 cm margins from all sides.
The single line-spacing, and Times New Roman characters
should be used. The title should be centered, typed in all capitals,
14 pt bold. The names of the author(s) should be centered, typed
in 12 pt bold characters. Leave a line free between the title and the authors'
names. The affiliation of the author(s) should be centered, typed
in 10 pt characters. Leave no line free between the authors and the affiliation.
The Abstract should contain a brief description of the paper not
exceeding 6 full lines, with the word "Abstract." written in 10pt
bold at the beginning of the first line (not on a separate line). The Abstract
should have the same width as the whole paper, justified, typed in 10 pt
characters. Leave a line free above and two lines below the Abstract.
The whole main text of the paper should be justified.
Use 11 pt characters for the main text. It can be divided to sections
starting with headings as "1. INTRODUCTION"
(Arabic numbering), aligned left, typed in all capitals 11 pt bold.
Leave no line free below the headings. Start every new paragraph
with 5 blanks (tabulator 5 characters).
References in the text should be numbered consecutively (e.g., [1])
and listed at the end of the paper (see below).
Formulae and mathematical symbols in the text and equations
in separate lines (centered) should be typed in italics. Tables
and figures must be numbered consecutively. Good quality drawings
are required. Shaded areas in drawings should rather be shown by means of
cross-hatching or a matrix of dots. Please avoid color photographs, the Proceedings
will be reproduced as Black-and-White only.
All half-tone photographs in the text should be the originals. The figure and table
captions should be written in 10-pt italics, beginning with
Fig. 1 or Tab. 1 bold.
The Acknowledgments should be placed before the list or references,
using the US-spelling "Acknowledgments." at the beginning of the first
Use the heading "REFERENCES" (10 pt bold, not numbered, aligned left).
For the list of references, use 10 pt font. Insure good functionality rather than
particular style of your referencing; e.g.,
[1] S. Jones, Phys. Rev. 190 (1984) 2016.
Cite also Internet sources/addresses, if adequate.
The manuscripts submitted in poor quality (not suitable for
reproduction) will not be accepted and will be returned to
the author!
for the submission of the full-length manuscripts is
November 10-12, 2000.
The manuscripts are to be submitted in duplicate at the Workshop
registration desk ,
or (if need be) mailed to the Workshop Secretariat address:
Dr. Ales Gottvald
Inst. Sci. Instrum., Acad. Sci. CR
Kralovopolska 147
612 64 Brno
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 5 415 14 224
Fax: +420 5 415 14 402