Secret Gardens

yinyan.gif Creation and Compilation are two elements I am trying to keep in harmony. My "Secret Gardens" have grown from the compilation element of my work. It's a selection of my bookmarks that I found excellent, impressive, useful, interesting, or ridiculous. Oh no, I definitely do not support everything shown below. Internet is just a powerful tool, with which both the Great Thinkers and Great Fools operate their ways. Anyway, ...


yinyan.gif Go to Ales' Home-Page & Secret Gardens


Lycos TOP 5% Topic: Science
Amara's Science Links
Eric's Treasure Trove of Mathematics
Eric's Treasure Trove of Physics
History Topics (J.J. O'Connor, E. F. Robertson)
History of Mathematics (by J. J. O'Connor and E. F. Robertson)
ScienceNet - Welcome to ScienceNet
ScienceNet - Become A ScienceNet Expert
Dr. Matrix' Weird Web World of Science
General Relativity Around the World
Center for Gravitational Physics and Geometry
Classical Electrodynamics - Jackson Home Page
Prigogine Center for Statistical Mechanics
Research News from American Universities: UniSci News Net Research News
Archives Physics, Mathematics, Nonlinear Sciences: e-Print archive
"Great Books" Science Centre
Millions of Books: Search


The Math Forum Home Page
Computing Dictionary (FOLDOC) (by Denis Howe)
World of Mathematics and Computing (by SIAM)
The Palo Alto Institute for Advanced Study (PAIAS): "Politically" Incorrect Science & Mathematics
Synthetic Dimensionality
The KnotPlot Site
Erdos Number Project Home Page


Numerical Methods
Numerical Recipes Home Page
Computational Science Education Project Homepage
Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods: Computational Science Education Project
Level Set Methods: J.A. Sethian
Douglas N. Arnold


Lester Ingber's Code and Reprint Archive
Stroud's Index of Apps by Name
Math Forum Internet Collection - mathsoftware (Outline)
The MathWorks Web Site: MATLAB
Mountain Math Software: Paul Budnik's site
Biomathematics Software Archive (from MD Anderson Cancer Center)


Global Optimization: Events, Publications, People
Global (and Local) Optimization (by Arnold Neumaier)
Optimization Frequently Asked Questions
Phenomena Cross Reference - Minima and Maxima
Mathematical Programming Glossary (by Harvey J. Greenberg)
Some Notes on the Marquardt-Levenberg Algorithm (by Amara Graps)
Simulated Annealing Source Codes ETC. (by Grace Katagiri)
Benchmarks for Optimization Software
Solver for Local Nonlinear Optimization Problems (SolvOpt): (A. Kuntsevich - F. Kappel)
Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment (CUTE) (by Nick Gould)
List of Interesting Optimization Codes in Public Domain
A Hitch-Hiker's Guide on Evolutionary (Genetic) Computation: FAQ
Harvey Greenberg's WWW Home Page (optimization)
Burt Simon's WWW Home Page (probabilistic optimization)
Nature of Mathematical Programming (by Harvey J. Greenberg)
Myths and Counterexamples in Mathematical Programming (by Harvey J. Greenberg)

EVOLUTIONARY (Optimization, Computation, Biology, Philosophy)

Evolutionary Computation from FOLDOC
Evolutionary Algorithm from FOLDOC
Evolution Strategy from FOLDOC
Genetic Algorithm from FOLDOC
Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
Welcome to the Principia Cybernetica Web
Principia Cybernetica Masthead: An International Organization for Evolutionary-Systemic Philosophy
Principia Cybernetica: Evolutionary Theory
Principia Cybernetica: Links on Evolutionary Theory and Memetics
Evolutionary models of scientific theory change: by John S. Wilkins, Monash Univ., Australia
The WWW Virtual Library: Evolution (Biosciences): at Harward Univ.
Journals and Abstracts related to "evolutionary computation"
Evolutionary Computation: an MIT Press Journal
History of Evolutionary Thought: Evolution Entrance
Mike Charleston's HomePage: Evolutionary Computations for Biology
Welcome to UC Museum of Paleontology
Electronic Desktop Project - Virtual Flylab
Evolutionary Computation, Optimization and Learning
An Introduction to Evolutionary Computation
Evolutionary Computation: What is Evolutionary Computation?
William H. Calvin talk, The Brain as a Darwin Machine, 12 November 97
Energy, Matter, and Entropy in Evolutionary Computation

META ...

MetaCreations | Products
MetaCreations | Convolver
Principia Cybernetica: Metasystem Transition Theory


Inverse Problems Home Page (Univ. of Ala.)
Inverse Problems
Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences
Avant-projet Estime
CREATIS - Modeling and Inverse Problems
Direct and Inverse Bioelectric Field Problems
Internet NDT Resources
Prof. Eric Miller's CDSP Homepage (an Inverse Electromagnetic Guy)
Introductory Geophysical Inverse Theory (by John A. Scales, Martin M. Smith)


International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)
Bayesian Links (by Grace Katagiri)
Elementary Bayesian Statistics (First Bayes) (by Tony O'Hagan)
Tony O'Hagan's Home Page (Bayesian Statistics)
Bayesians Worldwide (by David Madigan)
Data Understanding Group (Bayes Group) (by Helen Stewart and Sandy Wu)
Bayesian Analysis (Book, Papers) (by Larry Bretthorst)
A Bayesian Analysis E-Print Archive
Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (AUAI) homepage
Monte-Carlo Simulation in a Nutshell (by Amara Graps)
The performance of Bayesian estimators in the superresolution of signal parameters
Digital Signal Processing: Contents. (involves Bayesian Methodologies ...)
Bayesianism in Quantum Mechanics and Probability Theory
Bayes Theorem
Empirical Bayes Methods for Combining Likelihoods (by Bradley Efron)
First Bayes
Some Bayesian Astrophysical Applications (Homepage of Priv. Doz. Hanns L.Harney)
Probability Theory -- The Logic of Science (by E. T. Jaynes)
Bayesian Systems, Inc.


Human Brain Project
Mind Uploading Home Page
Brain Opera Project at the MIT Media Lab
Research on Brain Information Processing, Inst. of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan (directed by Shin-Ichi Amari)
Exploring the brain
Al Seckel's Homepage of Perception, Illusions, and their Neuronal Correlates (The Koch Lab)
The Koch Lab
Christof Koch's Home Page
Noise and Natural Scene Statistics
Programs of the Department of Biomathematics 1995-1997


The Institute for Nonlinear Science, Univ. of California
Nonlinear Science e-Print Archive
Chaos Analysis Programs (by Michael Banbrook)
Nonlinear Dynamics and Topological Time Series Analysis Archive (by Nicholas B. Tufillaro)
ICS - Department of Numerical Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization
ICS - Department of Nonlinear Modelling


CUED Signal Processing and Communications Group, Cambridge Univ.
Digital Signal Processing: Software (by Rice Univ.)
Internet Digital Signal Processing Tools and Embedded Systems Resources
Charles Poynton - DSP Links
Amara's Wavelet Page (by Amara Graps)
An Introduction to Wavelets: Denoising Noisy Data (by Amara Graps)
Amara's Voigt Page
Wavelet Sources (by S. Baum)
WaveLab .701 Software Info


Electromagnetics Info' (EMLIB Home Page)
TEST- Testing Electromagnetic Synthesis Techniques: by GIOM - ISI Brno
TEAM - Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods: by IGTE - TU Graz
Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society
Applied Electromagnetics Group Server
Applied Electromagnetics Group -
Kanazawa Univ.: Planar Type ECT Probe


Phenomena Cross Reference - Resonance
Gravity and Resonance - by J. Rajka
Uppsala University, Quantum Chemistry dept.: Resonance Phenomena
Erik Engdahl, Dept. of Quantum Chemistry, Uppsala University: Resonance Phenomena
NMR meets Musicians - the sound of FIDs
E-Quest Technology: Physical Acoustics, Sonoluminiscence, Sonofusion: by Russ George
A Virtual Laboratory: E-Quest Sciences Collaborative Research Opportunities


Cycles in the Universe: Index (by Ray Tomes)
Harmonics Theory Overview (by Ray Tomes)
Harmonics Theory: Resonance (by Ray Tomes)
Matter as a Solution to Maxwell's Equations (by Ray Tomes)
Foundation For The Study Of Cycles
Physics as Information : Tom Potter's World
Tom Potter's World
Some Random Thoughts: Tom Potter's World
My Favorite Internet Posters: by Tom Potter


Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
Welcome to Crystal Hill MultiMedia and San Graal School for Sacred Geometry
Principia Cybernetica: What is a world view?
Principia Cybernetics: Worldviews: from fragmentation to integration
Grand Challenge: Equations. SDSC
Interactive Textbook of Math' Phys'
Exploratorium: ExploraNet
Exploratorium: Digital Library
Introduction to Algorithmic Information Theory (by Nick Szabo)
Commentaries on Hermeneutics (by Nick Szabo)


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - an Excellent NMR InfoServer at the Univ. of Florida
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - An Excellent NMR InfoServer at the Univ. of Florida (no frames)
Torino NMR Laboratory NMRLINKS
MAG-NET Home Page
NMRWeb - University of York NMR Service
FTNMR FID Archive - Pacific Lutheran University
Compilation of Educational NMR Software by Peter Lundberg
NMR & MRI Conference/Course Info

"NMR Information Server" at the Univ. of Florida
Japan Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Metabolic Magnetic Resonance Research & Computing Center
"c59 Quantitative In Vivo NMR" by Ron de Beer
Multicentre Quantitative NMR Data Analysis Trial - by Ron de Beer et al.
NMR meets Musicians - the sound of FIDs
Millions of Books: - Query Results: Magnetic Resonance
Univ. of Rhode Island (Chem. Dept.) - incl. "NMR Concepts" Journal Info
"NMR Concepts": Journal Info, Univ. of Rhode Island
WWW NMR Spectrometer
Simulating 1D NMR Experiments in Liquids: GAMMA On Line
Simulating 1D NMR Experiments in Liquids: GAMMA Online Liquid NMR Programs (new)
Software for Interactive Multidimensional Image/Spectral Reconstruction, Processing, and Analysis: On-Line V Manual
Hitachi Instruments, Inc.: R-1200: Rapid-Scan 60 MHz NMR Spectrometer
Oxford Instruments: Businesses and Products
Spectral Data Services
Standard Samples
The Pittsburgh NMR Center for Biomedical Research Home Page
"NMR Laboratory" at Masaryk's University, Brno
IKEM - Inst. of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague
Richard R. Ernst


New and Alternative Theories of Physics
Society for Scientific Exploration
Elektromagnum Index Page, created July 1994
Common Sense Science - A Rational View of the Universe
AntiPhysics Mirror

Feynman's Non-relativistic QM
Feynman Project 1
Bayesianism in Quantum Mechanics and Probability Theory
ElectroGravity - Experimental evidence: by Nils Rognerud
Scalar EM-Potential Theories by Tom Bearden
"On a Testable Unification of EM, GR and QM" by Tom Bearden
"Science Hobbyist" by an Eskimo Group
Photon Theories of Mass
"Eintein's Theory of Relativity - A Brief Analysis" by O. Tedenstik
"On Gravitation" by O. Tedenstik
Kanarev : On the Way to the Physics of the XXI Century
Aether Theory by Gene Goodman
A Theory of the Aethereal Space of Newton and Einstein
Ether: What is it? - by Amara Graps
The Speed of Light - A Limit on Principle ?
Gravity and Resonance - by J. Rajka
"Subquantum Kinetics" by Paul LaViolette
The Home of Primordial Energy - THE Place for information from Bruce DePalma



"Ball Lightning Page" by an Eskimo Group
The Ball of Light Particle Model
The Lightning Page
Cori Prazen's Lightning Links
More Lightning Photography by Cori Prazen
Brent's (New) High Voltage Page


Welcome to Crystal Hill MultiMedia and San Graal School for Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry: Color Review..
Sacred Geometry: concise pict intro
Sri Yantra and Hydrogen: 3D PHI?
Scale Invariant = Perfect Embedding = Gravity = Self Aware: Sacred Geometry of Atoms
Sacred Geometry: Exercises to Zero Point
Jonathan Quintin's Sacred Geometry: Window to the Infinite
Sacred Geometry Mandala Art: by Jonathan Quintin


Links from the mandala's centre
Mandala to Mandala (links)
Mandala: in New Mexico
The Nine Mandalas of the Shri Yantra
Shrii Yantra
Evolution Mandala
Mandala Theory
The Ultimate Homepage Index: "mandala"
Cool Mandala Art: Steve Cox's Private Treasures II
Mandala Fractal: GIF image 910x734 pixels


IllusionWorks - Al Seckel's Page
IllusionWorks Internet Links
IllusionWorks - About Us
Al Seckel's Homepage of Perception, Illusions, and their Neuronal Correlates (The Koch Lab)
Sandro Del Prete - Homepage
The Principles of Artistic Illusions
Grand Illusions
Mark Newbold's Animated Necker Cube
Landrigan Home Page
Interesting Images: Exploratorium
Illusions central station
Illusions Internet Solutions
Graphic Communication - Optical Illusions
Optical Illusions
Illusions 2.0 Home Page
Grand Illusions
Grand Illusions: Spouting
Triangle Illusion


World of Escher
Escher's Gallery Home Page
David McAllister's Escher Collection
DaveMc's Image Collection
DaveMc's Little HTML Page
WebMuseum: Escher, M(aurits) C(ornelius)


ORIGIN Research: The Meeting Place of Religions
United Religions Initiative Activist Archive
On science, religion, and the Internet: Letter to Dr. Rustom Roy
Home Page: Evolution or 6 Day Creation? The Interactive Bible
An Evolution Revolution
10 Big Myths about copyright explained
Murphys NEW Law (Murphy was an optimist)


Internet Movie Database Search
100 Greatest Films
Star Secrets
Enya - Unofficial Home Page
Musical Sound Information
Global Photographers Search
Ansel Adams: Organized Research Units
Photo Album
Animated displays of Guitar Modes of Vibration
Jeff Kemp - Classical Guitar Index


"Frontier Organizations on the WEB" - compiled by Sasha Cislenko
World Transformation
Extropy Institute
The Santa Fe Institute
Foundation For The Study Of Cycles
United Religions Initiative Activist Archive
The Natural Law Party of the USA


"Great Thinkers and Visionaries" by Sasha Chislenko
Eric's Treasure Trove of Scientific Biography
History of Mathematics

Bertrand RUSSELL

Bertrand Russell Archives
The Bertrand Russell Society Home Page
Russell's Paradox
McMaster University: Bertrand Russell - The Last Essay (1967) The Editorial Project
McMaster University: The Bertrand Russell EditorialProject
McMaster University: Bertrand Russell - Collected Papers (The Editorial Project)
Japanese Bertrand Russell Page


Home Page of the Kurt Goedel Society
Kurt Godel (by J. O'Connor and E. F. Robertson)
Vienna Circle
Mathematicians born in Brno
Nikolai Dmetrievich Brashman: Mathematician born near Brno


About Johann Gregor Mendel
J. G. Mendel - Brno - Genetics - History (CZ Site)
MendelWeb Homepage 97.1
The Johann Gregor Mendel Page - GeneWeb - coordinated by Neil Ingram
Ten interesting facts about Gregor Mendel


Leo Szilard Home Page (by Gene Dannen)
Leo Szilard - A Biographical Chronology (by Gene Dannen, with photo)
Hiroshima: A-Bomb WWW Museum ~ June,1995
Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Nuclear Weapons - Links


Paul Brunton
The Notes of Paul Brunton (Larson Publishers)
About The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
Dr. Paul Brunton
Paul Brunton: From Journalist to Gentle Sage (by Georg Feuerstein)
Photo Index (Larson Publ.)
Yoga Research Center


A Gallery of Electromagnetic Personalities 1
Famous electricians
James Clerk Maxwell
Nikola Tesla


The John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage
Kennedy Assassination Home Page


SOME TRANSDISCIPLINARY PEOPLE (random resonances ... )

Rob Berry
Sasha Chislenko
Sandro Del-Prete
Robert Fung
Amara Graps
Katja Henjes
Dave Krieger
Tom Loredo
Catherine Leah Palmer
Cori Prazen
Tom Potter
Carlos Rodriguez
Russell Whitaker


UTNL Home Page (Nucl. Eng. Res. Lab, Univ. of Tokyo)
Members in UTNL
Homepage of Prof. Kenzo Miya
Mitsuru UESAKA
Ueno Lab. Home Page
Professor Shoogo Ueno
Seoul National University
Computational Electromagnetic Energy Engineering Lab. Hokkaido Univ.
Helsinki University of Technology
Kotisivu - Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Jyvaskyla
NMR T&I Laboratory Home Page, Univ. of Pavia
D.I.E. - Dept. of Electrical Engn., Univ. of Pavia
Univ. of Naples "Federico II"
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
Physics Section
The CWRU Physics Department Faculty
Robert W. Brown
Christopher Johnson
Kenneth M. Hanson


XXIV European Congress On Molecular Spectroscopy
29th AMPERE - 13th ISMAR, August 2-7, 1998, Berlin (Germany)
EENC98 - Europewan Experimental NMR Conference, Bled (Slovenia), May 10-15, 1998
Eusipco-98 - IX. European Signal Processing Conference, Isl. of Rhodes (Greece), Sept. 8-11, 1998
European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
ISMRM-Sixth Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, April 18-24, 1998, Sydney, Australia
11th NBC - Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering, June 6-10, 1999, Tallin (Estonia)
ICBEM '98 - 2nd International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Febr. 15-19, 1998, Melbourne, Australia
4th Japanese-Czech-Slovak Seminar '97
Workshop on MR Signal Processing
TIPTOP: Physics Conferences, Workshops and Summer Schools


Institute for Scientific Information® (ISI®) Home Page
Citation Products
Welcome to Springer
IEEE Home Page


Earth View
NeWo: News Resource

Japanese Information
WWW Servers Guide for the Academies in Japan (AC.JP.)
ABUS - Bus Connections in CR
IDOS - Train and Bus Connections in CR
Unit Conversion for Length
English - Czech Dictionary (Anglicko-cesky slovnik)
Alternative Dictionary (most languages)
World Email Directory (WED)/ Business and Phone Directories (Telephone Directories)
Live Cameras in USA
The Bay Area Live Camera Page
Yahoo! Maps: La Honda, California
Weather Underground: Palo Alto, California Weather Forecast
California: North Coast (Sonoma County)
Amazing ShastaCam - Mount Shasta Home Page
GOES IR-Satellite View of California: GIF image 640x512 pixels
Satellite Images
Yahoo! - Computers and Internet:Internet:Entertainment:Interesting Devices Connected to the Net:Spy Cameras:Outdoor Cameras
Hitachi America, Ltd./Quantum Leap/Sea Life
Stanford Live: Ultimate VIP
Live Cameras in Deutschland: Kamera-Links
Live Cameras in Czech Republic
INFOTEC-TRAVEL Czech Tourism Pages - Brno
LANDSAT Images - Brno - All 3 band combinations
Weather Underground: Brno, Czech Republic Weather Conditions
Brno CZ Weather Forecast
Brno: Public Transportation System



Czech Republic: General Info (Cesnet)
Czech Express Country Homepage
Czech Ntl. Navigator (Cesky narodni navigator)
Czech Open Information Project
Czech Republic - Education - Universities, High Schools
Zpravy z Ceska
News from the Czechlands
"Invissible Dog" - Internet CZ-News (Neviditelny pes)
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic WWW home page
Charles University Home Page
Brno - history, pics, ...


Urad vlady CR
Rada vlady CR pro vyzkum a vyvoj
Zprava o cinnosti Rady vlady Ceske republiky pro vyzkum a vyvoj
SISYFOS - cesti skeptici
CZECHSCI: archiv diskusni skupiny na podporu vedy (bohuzel bez mnoha prispevku pred 5. 1997)
Neznama energie lecitelu
Hello Dolly!
Neviditelny pes - Mala slusna polemicka



AltaVista: Main Page
AltaVista: Advanced Query
Lycos TOP 5% Home
Czech Open Information Project - Net Search Tools Worldwide
Seznam těch nejlepších míst českého Internetu
Internet Directory
Net Search
GroupWeb Directories
WebSideStory's World Top 1000 List


Your own WWW-Page (Vlastni WWW stranka, in Czech)
HTML Quick Reference (Univ. of Kansas)
NCSA--A Beginner's Guide to HTML
A Beginner's Guide to HTML (Charles Univ.)
Introduction to HTML (Univ. of Toronto)
Introduction to HTML - Table of Contents (Univ. of Toronto)
Introduction to HTML: Table of Contents (Case Western Reserve Univ.)
Yet Another "HTCYOHP" Home Page
HTML Basics
Member Services - HomePage Builder - HTML Tools
WP to HTML Convertors
How to convert a WordPerfect document to HTML
Create HTML files in WordPerfect 5.x
K-Talk's Publishing Companion
Graphic Workshop for Windows
HTML Math Overview
Math Typesetting for the Internet
Summer Course 1996: Communicating Mathematics with Hypertext
Symbols Bonanza
Greek Letters and Math Symbols
Greek Symbols Form
The HTML entity set from 161 to 255 in Default font
The Web Developer's Virtual Library - by Nils Rognerud
Taglines Galore!
The Blue Ribbon Campaign for Online Free Speech
Blue Mountain Arts' Electronic Greeting Cards
Webspawner - Create your own FREE WebPage now!
W3 Insert - Electronic WWW Advertising (gratis)
Animated GIFs
Sent WWW-Postcard
Background Main Menu
WebCounter Home Page

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Access # since September 25, 1997:

Acknowledgment: The picture "The Garden Fence" top on this page is by Sandro Del Prete and is © by IllusionWorks, LLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission of Al Seckel / IllusionWorks . Thank you, Al!

The blue logo with my name was created by Amara Graps . Thanks, Amara!

Last Major Modification: November 14, 1997
Last Minor Modification: February 1, 1999
Mail to:
Copyright © Ales Gottvald , 1997-99.