===== Poslední verze ===== Version 28/04/2011 {{:dokumentace:physioplore.doc|}} {{:dokumentace:physioplorectf.doc|}} {{:dokumentace:hdf-java-2.7-bin.tar|}} 32-bit ===== Download ===== ===== Instalace nové verze (přes instalátor): ==== Uložte si do pomocného adresáře soubory //setup.exe//, //help.gip// Instalujte pomocí //setup.exe// ===== Úplná instalace ===== **Running the Application** These steps describe the process that end users must follow to install and run the application on their machines.Preparing Windows Machines * Install the MCR by running the MCR Installer in a directory. For example, run //MCRInstaller.exe// in //C:\MCR//. For more information on running the MCR Installer utility, see Working with the MCR. * Copy the CTF archive and executable or library to your application root directory, for example, //C:\approot//. Note Use the CTF archive and executable or library that were generated from the same compilation. * Add the following directory to your system path://\\runtime\win32//. Note On Windows XP, this directory is automatically added to your path. ===== Vytvoření instalačního balíku =====