===== Datový tok Physioplore ===== - Application data - GUI data **Application data** Application data is data that is meaningful to or defined by your application. You attach application data to a figure or any GUI component (other than ActiveX controls) with the functions setappdata and getappdata, The main differences between it and UserData are: * You can assign multiple values to application data, but only one value to UserData. * Your code must reference application data by name (like using a Tag), but can access UserData like any other property Only Handle Graphics MATLAB objects use this property. Functions that provide access to application data: setappdata * **setappdata(h,'name',value)** * values = **getappdata(h)**, value = getappdata(h,name), * **rmappdata(h,name)** * **isappdata(h,name)** **GUI data** differs from application data in that: * GUI data is a single variable; however, when defined as a structure, you can add and remove fields. * Application data can consist of many variables, each stored under a separate unique name. * You access GUI data using the guidata function, which both stores and retrieves GUI data. * Whenever you use guidata to store GUI data, it overwrites the existing GUI data. * Using the getappdata, setappdata, and rmappdata functions does not affect GUI data. **guidata** : Store or retrieve GUI data data = guidata(object_handle) guidata(object_handle,data) **guihandles** : Create structure of handles handles = guihandles(object_handle) returns a structure containing the handles of the objects in a figure, using the value of their Tag properties as the fieldnames, with the following caveats: * Objects are excluded if their Tag properties are empty, or are not legal variable names. * If several objects have the same Tag, that field in the structure contains a vector of handles. * Objects with hidden handles are included in the structure. handles = guihandles * returns a structure of handles for the **current figure** ===== Definice Structures ===== ^ Struktura ^ Objekt ^ Název ^ Proměnná ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | | | | AppData | Main Window | 'appParameters' | parameters | | | | | | | | | | | | | | filePaths: [1x1 struct] winStandard: [1x4 struct] winStandardLine: [1x2 struct] baseline: [1 0.1000] MSExcel: 1 copyright: 1 acknowledgements: 1 acknowledgementsTXT: [1x89 char] figs: [1x1 struct] figsPar: [1x1 struct] trials: [1x1 struct] ===== Interní formát dat ===== === Data Storage - Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) Files === je základním formátem pro ukládání dat v programu Physioplore. Veškeré datové konverze jsou založeny na převodu dat //z// a //do// ** HDF5**. Zde jsou ukládány mezivýsledky v hiearchické struktuře, která odpovádá postupu zpracování. Podrobnosti o formátu dat jsou k nalezení na http://www.hdfgroup.org Data s parametry lze prohlížet popř. přímo editovat pomocí programu HDFview. {{:hdfview01.png?500|}} == Přístup k položkám souboru HDF (seznam): == vyhledávání podle parametrů není dosud vyřešeno ^ Heading 1 ^ Heading 2 ^ | /info/fileName | Jméno souboru | | /info/filePath | Cesta k souboru | | /param/channName/X | Název kanálu | | /param/channNo/X | Pořadí (číslo) kanálu | | /param/srate/X | Vzorkovací frekvence kanálu | | /param/order/X | Řád kanálu | | /param/unitSI/X | Jednotka kanálu | | /raw/X | Raw data | | /param/channNoOrig/X | Pořadí kanálu v původních datech | {{:hdfstruktura1.png|}} {{:hdfstruktura2.png|}} **Struktura souboru** info = hdf5info('borfq49seg.h5') Filename: 'borfq49seg.h5' LibVersion: '1.6.5' Offset: 0 FileSize: 5197203 GroupHierarchy: [1x1 struct] info.GroupHierarchy Filename: 'borfq49seg.h5' Name: '/' Groups: [] Datasets: [1x140 struct] Datatypes: [] Links: [] Attributes: [] info.GroupHierarchy.Datasets(x).Name /info.fileName pro x = 1 /info.filePath pro x = 2 /param.channName.1 pro x = 3 /param.channName.10 pro x = 4 /param.channName.11 pro x = 5 … … /param.channNo.1 pro x = 26 /param.channNo.10 pro x = 27 /param.channNo.11 pro x = 28 … … /param.srate.x pro x = /param.unit.x pro x = /param.unitSI.x pro x = … /raw.1 /raw.2 /raw.3 ===== Externí formáty dat ===== * ScopeWin (c)Jurak * EEGLab * PsyLab