Welcome to the Group of Optical Micro-manipulation Techniques
![[Optical micro-manipulation techniques]](images/jedi.jpg)
We would like to understand what is going on if a laser light with complicated spatial distribution interacts with submicrometer and micrometer objects. Therefore, we developed or applied various theoretical methods to obtain theoretical tools that provide the first order estimates of the object behaviour. Parametric study of the particular configuration provides very good understanding of the principal mechanisms. We try heavily to keep a balance between the theoretical predictions and experimental verifications. And of course we are always happy if we succeed in a practical and usefull output applicaple in other branches.
Presently we focus mainly on
Practical utilization of optical "tractor" beam for particle sorting and self-arrangementUtilization of Raman tweezers for algae and bacteria characterization and sorting
Optical sorting without the fluid flow ... you just illuminate the sample and various object sizes go in opposite directions MORE
Understanding of self organization of many object in the light pattern (optical binding) ..... if you illuminate a sample the objects self-organize into one or more dimentional structures bound only by light MORE
Object delivery by optical conveyor belts .... motional structure of intensity maxima and minima delivers submicrometer object over long distances MORE1 MORE2 MORE
Brownian dynamics in traveling potentials ...so called optical ratchets or Brownian motors determine the functionality of the living cells... why not to try to understand this phenomena first using traveling interference fringes?
Co-operation with industry
In cooperation with our group, Meopta-optika. s.r.o. presents compact Laser Microscope Adapters (LMA) designed to use in optical micromanipulations, micro-cutting, photopolymerization or fluorescence microscopy techniques. For further details, you can take a closer look at the documentation.
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Last modification: 3 Apr 2013