Logo ISI
Institute of Scientific Instruments, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i.
Group of cryogenics and Superconductivity  

Laboratory of cryogenics was established as a part of „Nuclear Magnetic Resonance" department at the Institute of Scientific Instruments in 1967

PhD Study


Pavel Hanzelka, Jakub Vonka, and Vera Musilova
Low conductive support for thermal insulation of a sample holder of a variable temperature scanning tunneling microscope
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 085103 (2013),   doi 10.1063/1.4817214 (6 pages)

P. Urban, P. Hanzelka, T. Kralik, V. Musilova, A. Srnka, and L. Skrbek.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 199402 (2013).

Pavel Urban, David Schmoranzer, Pavel Hanzelka, Katepalli R. Sreenivasan, and Ladislav Skrbek
Anomalous heat transport and condensation in convection of cryogenic helium
PNAS 110 (2013) 8036-8039,   doi:10.1073/pnas.1303996110

T. Kralik, P. Hanzelka, M. Zobac, V. Musilova, T.Fort, and M. Horak
Strong Near-Field Enhancement of Radiative Heat Transfer between Metallic Surfaces
Phys. Rev. Lett.
109 (2012)  224302 (5 pages)

P. Urban, P. Hanzelka, T. Kralik, V. Musilova, A. Srnka, and L. Skrbek
Effect of boundary layers asymetry on heat transfer efficiency in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection at very high Rayleigh Numbers
Phys. Rev. Lett.
109 (2012)  154301 (4 pages)

P. Urban, V. Musilova, L. Skrbek
Efficiency of heat transfer in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection
Phys. Rev. Lett.
107, no 1 (2011),  014302 (4 pages)

T. Kralik, P. Hanzelka, V. Musilova, A. Srnka, M. Zobac
Cryogenic apparatus for study of near-field heat transfer
Review of Scientific Instruments, 82 (2011) 055106;  doi:10.1063/1.3585985

P. Hanzelka,  V. Musilova, T. Kralik,  J. Vonka
Thermal conductivity of a CuCrZr alloy from 5K to room temperatures
Cryogenics 50 (2010) 737–742

P. Urban, P. Hanzelka, T. Kralik, V. Musilova, L. Skrbek, A. Srnka
Helium cryostat for experimental study of natural turbulent convection
Review of Scientific Instruments. 81, no 8 (2010),  085103

P. Hanzelka,  V. Musilova, T. Kralik
Influence of condensed water on heat radiation absorptivity at cryogenic temperatures
Cryogenics 50 (2010) 331–335

P. Hanzelka, T. Kralik, A. Maskova, V. Musilova, J. Vyskocil 
Thermal radiative properties of a DLC coating.
Cryogenics 48, no 9-10 (2008), pp. 455–457

V. Musilova, T. Kralik, P. Hanzelka,  A. Srnka
Effect of different treatments of copper surface on its total hemispherical  absorptivity bellow 77K.
Cryogenics 47, no 4 (2007) , pp. 207-278

Musilova, Vera - Hanzelka, Pavel - Kralik, Tomas - Srnka, Ales
Low temperature radiative properties of materials used in cryogenics.
Cryogenics  45, no 8 (2005), pp. 529-536

Musilova, Vera - Dupak, Jan - Hanzelka, Pavel - Kralik, Tomas - Urban, Pavel
Economical helium bath cryopump: design and testing.
Vacuum  74, no 1 (2004), pp. 77-83

Fedor, J. - Cambel, V. - Gregusova, D. - Hanzelka, Pavel - Derer, J. - Volko, J.
Scanning vector Hall probe microscope.
Review of Scientific Instruments. 74, no 12 (2003), pp. 5105 – 5110

Hanzelka, Pavel - Dupak, Jan - Musilova, Vera
Small helium bath cryopump for electron optical devices.
Cryogenics 42 (2002), pp. 39 – 44

Konzbul, Pavel - Švéda, Karel - Srnka, Aleš
Design of Matrix Shim Coils System for Nuclear magnetic resonance.
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.  36, no 4 (2000), pp. 1732-1735.

Hanzelka, Pavel
Current leads in vacuum space of cryogenic systems.
Cryogenics. 39, no 11 (1999), pp. 955-961

 Hanzelka, Pavel - Horky, Jaroslav
Problems of measurement of the helium boil off rate of tomographic magnets.
Cryogenics 39, no 7 (1999), pp. 647-649

Rotter, M. - Trhlik, M. - Hubalovsky, S. - Srnka, Ales - Dupak, Jan - Ota, J. - Pari, P.
Nuclear orientation facility at Charles University in Prague.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
. Roč. 50, Supp. S1 (2000), pp. 381-384.
[Symmetry and Spin. Praha,  5.-12.09.1999]

Int. Conferences:

Kralik T., Hanzelka P., Musilova V., Vonka J.
Thermal conductivity of CuCrZr Alloy
ICEC 23 - ICMC 2010, July 19-23, 2010,  Wroclaw, Poland

Musilova V., Hanzelka P., Kralik T.
Emissivity and in situ measurement of amount of water condensed on metalic sample
Proceedings of the 11th CRYOGENICS 2010 IIR International Conference. Bratislava, Slovak Rep. April 26-29, 2010:
Icaris 2010. ISBN 978-2-913149-77-9.  ISSN 0151-1637, pp. 37-42

Urban P., Hanzelka P., Musilova V.
Calibration of germanium temperature sensors for experimental study of natural turbulent convection
Proceedings of the 11th CRYOGENICS 2010 IIR International Conference. Bratislava, Slovak Rep. April 26-29, 2010:
Icaris 2010. ISBN 978-2-913149-77-9.  ISSN 0151-1637, pp. 183-186

Kralik T., Katsir D.
Black surfaces for infrared, aerospace and cryogenic applications
Infrared Technology and Applications XXXV. Orlando (US), 13.04.2009-17.04.2009
Proceedings of SPIE 2009, Vol.
7298. 729813 (9 pages). Bellingham, Washington.
ISBN 978-0-8194-7620-3

Holzer D., Stoeri H., Musilova V., Kralik T., Mayrhofer R., Stipsitz J., Laa C.
The Impact of Directional Emissivities on the Heat Transfer between Cryogenic Aluminium Surafces down to Liquid Helium Temperatures
ICEC 22-ICMC 2008, July 21-25 2008, Seoul Korea

Kralik Tomas - Hanzelka Pavel - Musilova Vera - Srnka Ales
Black surfaces for cryogenic application.
Proceedings of the 10th Cryogenics 2008 IIR international conference
. Praha  21.-25.04.2008: ICARIS, 2008.  ISBN 978-2-913149-62-5. ISSN 0151-1637, pp. 131-138.

Hanzelka, Pavel - Musilová, Věra - Srnka, Aleš - Skrbek, Ladislav
Design and Tests of the Cryostat with an Experimental Cell for Turbulent Thermal Convection.
Proceedings of the Colloquium Fluid Dynamics 2007. Praha : Institute of thermomechanics ASCR, v. v. i, 2007.  ISBN 978-80-87012-07-9,  pp. 93-94.

Srnka, Ales - Hanzelka, Pavel - Musilova, Vera - Urban, Pavel - Skrbek, Ladislav
Design of a helium cryostat for the study of turbulent thermal convection at cryogenic temperatures.
Proceedings of the CryoPrague 2006 (Int. Cryogenic Engineering Conf. 21, Int. Cryogenic Material Conf.'06, 9th Cryogenics 2006). Praha  17.-21.07.2006: ICARIS, pp. 661-664.

 Forster, Christina - Kralik, Tomas - Laa, Christian - Musilova, Vera - Schmid, Thomas - Stipsitz, Johannes
Heat transfer through super insulation from ambient to cryogenic temperatures.
Proceedings of the CryoPrague 2006 (Int. Cryogenic Engineering Conf. 21, Int. Cryogenic Material Conf.'06, 9th Cryogenics 2006). Praha  17.-21.07.2006: ICARIS, pp.

Kralik, Tomas - Hanzelka, Pavel - Musilova, Vera - Srnka, Ales
Device for measurement of thermal emissivity at cryogenic temperatures.
Proceedings of the 8th Cryogenics 2004 IIR international conference. Praha  27.-30.04.2004: ICARIS, 2004.  ISBN 2-913149-33-2. ISSN 0151-1637, pp. 23-29.

Musilova, Vera - Hanzelka, Pavel - Kralik, Tomas - Srnka, Alea
Low temperature emissivity of metals used in cryogenics.
Proceedings of the 8th Cryogenics 2004 IIR international conference. Praha 27.-30.04.2004: ICARIS, 2004.  ISBN 2-913149-33-2. ISSN 0151-1637, pp. 30-33.

Urban, Pavel - Dupak, Jan - Hanzelka, Pavel - Kralik, Tomas - Musilova, Vera
Application of a helium calibrated leak for a cryopump performance measurement.
Proceedings of the 8th Cryogenics 2004 IIR international conference. Praha 27.-30.04.2004: ICARIS, 2004.  ISBN 2-913149-33-2. ISSN 0151-1637, pp. 44-46.

Kralik, Tomas - Hanzelka, Pavel - Musilova, Vera - Srnka, Ales - Haberstroh, C.
Messen von Emissivitaeten bei kryogenen Temperaturen.
[Measurement of thermal emissivity by cryogenic temperatures.]
DKV Tagungsbericht 2003. Bonn 19.-21.11.2003 : Deutscher Kalte und Klimatechnischer Verein e.V, 2003. ISBN 3-932715-35-7, pp. 63-71.

Dupak, Jan - Hanzelka, Pavel - Michalicka, Petr - Tucek, L. - Ustohal, V.
A new construction of rotor of helium expansion turbine.
Proceedings of 7th Cryogenics IIR international conference. Praha 23.-26.04.2002: ICARIS, 2002.  ISSN 0151-1637, pp. 29 - 32.

Hanzelka, Pavel - Musilova, Vera - Srnka, Ales
Calculation and measurement of parasitic heat flux in helium expansion turbine.
Proceedings of 7th Cryogenics IIR international conference. Praha 23.-26.04.2002: ICARIS, 2002.  ISSN 0151-1637, p.58.

Hanzelka, Pavel - Jura, P.
Fuzzy pressure controller for helium bath cryostats.
Proceedings of 7th Cryogenics IIR international conference. Praha 23.-26.04.2002: ICARIS, 2002.  ISSN 0151-1637, pp.53 - 56.

Musilova, Vera - Hanzelka, Pavel - Srnka, Ales
Monte Carlo simulation of molecular flow and radiative heat transfer in He bath cryopump.
Proceedings of 7th Cryogenics IIR international conference. Praha 23.-26.04.2002: ICARIS, 2002.  ISSN 0151-1637, pp. 11 - 14.

Jelinek, Josef
Electromagnetic fields effects on biological and other objects.
Proceedings of the 6th Cryogenics 2000 IIR International Conference - Refrigeration Science and Technology. Praha 10.-13.10.2000: Czech Committee for cooperation with IIR, 2000. ISSN 0151-1637, pp. 42-47.

Dupak, Jan - Rotter, M. - Srnka, Ales
Small Superconducting Magnet for Low Temperature Nuclear Orientation.
Proceedings of the 4rd Japan-Central Europe Joint Workshop on Energy and Information in Non-linear Systems. Brno : ISI, 2000. p. 66.

Dupák, Jan - Hanzelka, Pavel
Cryostat for optical measurements in temperature range 80 - 300 K.
Proceedings of the 6th Cryogenics 2000 IIR International Conference - Refrigeration Science and Technology. Praha  10.-13.10.2000: Czech Committee for cooperation with IIR, 2000. ISSN 0151-1637, p. 80-83.

CERN project NA58,  COMPASS collaboration, Group Author  A. Srnka:

Exclusive rho(0) muoproduction on transversely polarised protons and deuterons
Nuclear Physics B  865, no 1 (2012) 1-20

I- Experimental investigation of transverse spin asymmetries in mu-p SIDIS processes: Collins asymmetries
Physics Letters B  717   Issue: 4-5  (2012) 376-382

II - Experimental investigation of transverse spin asymmetries in mu-p SIDIS processes: Sivers asymmetries
Physics Letters B  717   Issue: 4-5   Pages: 383-389

Transverse spin effects in hadron-pair production from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering
Physics Letters B 713, Issue: 1 (2012) 10-16

First Measurement of Chiral Dynamics in pi(-)gamma -> pi(-)pi(-)pi(+)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108   Issue: 19 (2012) 192001

M. Alexeev,  ..... A. Srnka  et al.
Flavour separation of helicity distributions from deep inelastic muon-deuteron scattering

Physics Letters B,. 680, no 5 (2009) 217-224

M. Alexeev,  ......A. Srnka  et al.
Collins and Sivers asymmetries for pions and kaons in muon-deuteron DIS
Physics Letters B,. 673, no 2 (2009) 127-135

P. Abbon, E. Albrecht, V.Yu. Alexakhin,….A.Srnka,et al.
The COMPASS experiment at CERN
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 577 (2007) 455–518

V.Yu. Alexakhin, Yu. Alexandrov, G.D. Alexeev, …..A.Srnka, et al.
The deuteron spin-dependent structure function gd1 and its first moment. COMPASS Collaboration
Physics Letters B 647 (2007) 8–17

V.Yu. Alexakhinh, Yu. Alexandrov r, G.D. Alexeev
Spin asymmetry Ad1 and the spin-dependent structure function gd1 of the deuteron at low values of x and Q2. COMPASS Collaboration.
Physics Letters B 647 (2007) 330–340

Ageev, E. S. et al.
Measurement of the spin structure of the deuteron in the DIS region.
Physics Letters. B612, no 3-4 (2005), pp. 154-164.

 Ageev, E. S. et al.
Search for the phi(1860) Pentaquark at COMPASS.
European Physical Journal C 41, no 4 (2005), pp. 469-474.