
Clicable map of Karvina
  • Karvina has 68.5 thousands inhabitants. It extends on 57.5 km2 on the meadow of the river Olza (latitude 49deg 51' 30'' and longitude 18deg 32' 15''). The lowest point is in "Stare Miasto" 214.6m above sea-level and the highest point is in "Raj" 305.3m above sea-level. The town is located in a mild climat area with major western winds. The average atmospheric temperature is 7.9deg C. The most cold month is January (average -2.8deg C), the most hot month is July (average +18.2deg C). Two rivers flow through Karvina: Olza, which width is about 40-60m here, with average flow 12.5 m3/s and Stonawka, which flows into Olza. Karvina borders on the Poland in the east.
  • Todays town Karvina arised from join of Frysztat (776ha) and Karwina (1552ha). The first historical mention of the Karvina wrote by prince of Opole Wladyslaw Piast in June 12, 1268. Parts of the todays Karvina as Solca, Frysztat, Karwina, Raj, Darkow and Stare Miasto were the oldest towns at the former Principality of Cieszyn.

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